• maplebar@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    The people who helped put them in power in the first place are also to blame, that’s the whole damn point. Those who voted for the fascists, as well as those who failed to vote against them, are the main people to blame for the fascists rising to power.

    This isn’t hard to understand. It shouldn’t be hard to understand.

    YES, we absolutely need to have a reckoning about the shitty politicians that are in power, obviously.

    What seems to be less obvious to people, for some reason, is that that something is fundamentally broken in American culture because it is, as a matter of fact, the American PEOPLE who have used every opportunity to put the worst people in power. So yeah, point your finger at the politicians if you all want to, but in the end all we’re doing is keeping the average American dumbfuck from looking in the mirror and reflecting on their part in this entire charade.