ID: An outline of a fat person with long flowing wild hair, they’re in a graceful pose that looks like they might be dancing, with their arms spread out and one leg in front of the other. The outline is filled with a starry galaxy like pattern, made to look like it’s glowing on the blue-purple background. On the torso are the words “take up space”
Fucking inspiring honestly. Fuck yeah, take up space. Exist. Fucken be here.
Exactly right, glad you find it inspiring!
spreads legs slightly on the bus to be comfortable, as i posses testicles
Those likely give you the privilege of dominating most spaces already, so no need, you’re good.
pls dont assume peoples privilodges based on their genitals
i think its fine if we all take up the space required to exist in relative comfort.
I specifically used the word “likely” to indicate it isn’t the case 100% of the time, but lets be honest, the only people not only manspreading, but coming on to a post like this, in a community like this, to make a smug point about manspreading, are cis men. That is what I based my assumptions on.
Having to be respectful of and just as uncomfortable as everyone else around you on public transport is, is not a form of oppression from which cis men need to reclaim space in the world.
I’m supportive of your general vibe. But respectfully, being inclusive of your own needs does not require being exclusive of the needs of others. We all share the same world, so maybe we can be understanding of everyone’s desire for comfort without judging them based on how they were born.
Not when those “needs” come from nothing but an overinflated sense of entitlement and at the expense of less privileged people in that space, no.
E: like seriously, people defending manspreading as if it’s some brave reclamation of space cis men have been deprived of?? This is absurd.
you are right, there is not much reclamatory or rebellious on a societal level about cis men (in their role as such) taking up the space they need and even less so, when they take up more space than they need.
i think it is still positive when people - including cis men - overcome their insecurities and take care of themselves. but i understand if that is not what you meant with your post.
i would give the commenter the benefit of the doubt tho and assume that they are not a troll as well as even restrain from assuming their gender and therefore the reclamatory value of their action.
personally, i still struggle with internalizing that i can sit comfortably on public transport without that invalidating my feminitiy or making me a toxically masculine man
I’ve been a man for most of my life. It hurts my feelings when people say “cis men don’t deserve this or that privilege” cause I’ve been there. Everyone deserves the privilege of living in comfort, even the stinky, evil cis men.
Uh, that is to say I agree with you.
In a world dominated by, among other things, cis heteronormative patriarchy, it would just be nice, for once, to have a conversation not taken over and derailed by a member of a dominant group wanting to make it all about them (or to have to list a bunch of caveats and stipulations in advance to try and avoid these situations, just for them to be ignored anyway).
As a rule I don’t gender people unless they’ve made their gender clearly known, or, very rarely, if they’ve given me glaring contextual clues. You’re absolutely right of course that having testicles doesn’t mean someone is a man, but barging in to a conversation by and for marginalised people about taking up space in the world that marginalises us, to make it about their act of marginalisation, is a classic cis man move. They don’t even have to mean to dominate every space they come across and try to centre themsleves in it, which just goes to show how ingrained the entitlement is.
Do I think I was wrong about that person? No, I really don’t.
Do I regret how my reply has impacted you and potentially others? Yes, that wasn’t my intention and I apologise.
first off, i don’t have to justify shit to you, this comment is partly to let me vent and partly to show other people that they’re not evil for being born with traits that class them as "privileged.
I can assure you i don’t have the slightest privilege of dominating spaces, as i’ve been living with undiagnosed autism and probably also ADHD, and have spent most of my life (and still do) in front of my computer with no real life friends and only going outside when i can force myself to go on a walk or ride the bike, or when i go to the grocery store.
I have also always been told that i’m a straight cis man, and believed so until recently because i well obviously if everyone says it that’s how it is.
Guess what? i’m actually quite into dicks, after having spent like a year gradually easing myself into the idea that i’m fucking ALLOWED to not be straight i now realize that i’d quite like to suck a dick at some point even! And while i think i prefer to present as a man, i’ve also realized i wouldn’t much mind if i woke up as a woman some day, and that frankly i’d rather we all never mention the concept of gender again.
To anyone reading this: It’s okay to be privileged, it does not make you evil, it should not force you into being what people expect of you, but you also shouldn’t force yourself to try to be something else just because you don’t want to be considered privileged.
The only privilege that matters is wealth and power, and luckily that is easily rectified by sharing your wealth with those who lack it and using your power to help the marginalized of society.
occupy space when?
There is space all around you, occupy some today!
I didn’t know that was optional.
Some people are given significantly more space in our capitalistic, christian-white supremacist, cis-heteronormative, abled-supremacist society, and in turn, many are pushed to the margins. If you’re not aware of this, perhaps it’s time to start paying more attention.
That was a joke. You must be fun at parties.
Right, as if we aren’t surrounded by people who actually don’t get it. 🙄
If you want people online to understand your tone, try using a tone indicator next time, your “jokes” clearly don’t hit the mark.