Not OC
Pikes peak
Anson’s Mount.
Why were looking up his hair?
Have you seen it? As a balding guy, it’s downright glorious to see
As a fellow baldie, I’m envious of anyone with hair.
The best way I’ve heard it described; it’s the hairstyle of a successful lawyer.
As a guy with regular boring hair, Pike’s hair is downright glorious to see.
Assuming he doesn’t get offed in the season 3 premiere (ha!), I look forward to more comments and jokes about his hair from the main characters and any guest stars.
Are you sure you want to know?
Don’t ask
What if that’s just his head shape?
Well, he sure does like Consumption of Mass Quantities, so that might fit.
That would just make his hair that much better
Would that mean Pike
is a coneheadcomes from France?
I’m coincidentally watching Menagerie as we speak!
My favourite streaming TV service is Ansonmount+.