Not only that, but it’s the bill of rights, if you can take away the second amendment what’s to stop authoritarians from taking the first as well? Or modifying it to preclude certain religions from the establishment clause?
I see what you’re saying, but the 18th amendment would like a word. The whole point of the Bill of Rights is to be a living document that adjusts as time goes on. Preferably to make this a better country for everyone.
Not only that, but it’s the bill of rights, if you can take away the second amendment what’s to stop authoritarians from taking the first as well? Or modifying it to preclude certain religions from the establishment clause?
I see what you’re saying, but the 18th amendment would like a word. The whole point of the Bill of Rights is to be a living document that adjusts as time goes on. Preferably to make this a better country for everyone.