Is there anybody whose had experience with both?

I’m trying to decide if I want to go back to Manjaro or get into Endeavour.

    2 years ago

    I ran Manjaro for over a year. It’s considerably slower than endeavourOS. I don’t know why, but the system was always sluggish and always broke for me. Also, I don’t think that their stable branch is a rolling release anymore. They wait over a month to push updates, sometimes even longer. I’ve been running EOS for about a year now. Zero issues. Light as hell. You may have to install some things, but I like it a lot. And if you don’t feel comfortable using the terminal all the time, just install octopi. Some people hate it, but I love it. Much better than Manjaro’s buggy Pamac. Only downside of octopi is that it doesn’t support flatpaks. For that I’ve installed discover with the packegkit and I’m good on flatpak. It also works very well with the AUR/EOS/Arch repos.

    yay -S octopi

    is all you need for it, btw.