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Mona Mawari
Thu 24 Oct 2024 10.46 EDT

[Please read the entire article - it is very thoughtful and informative. With her record on Gaza and Lebanon, voting for Harris will be difficult for millions in the US. --PL]

  • @echo
    -39 hours ago

    Sure, fucking morons… vote for Trump and see what he does not just to Gaza, but to you. He’ll ship every Muslim in the U.S. off to Gaza and then nuke you. Trump or Harris will be the next president… get your fucking head out of your ass and start thinking this through.

      • @echo
        -57 hours ago

        The article is paywalled and it’s a stupid fucking premise to even bring up. You have the person who doesn’t support you as much as you’d like or the person on record saying they want to deport you and fuck up Gaza. Which one do you vote for? Which one do you want to win? Why do you do anything at all that would help the other one win?

    • @dontgooglefinderscult
      49 hours ago

      “vote for my candidate or I’m going to fantasize about trump killing you in a variety of ways and tell you about it” is a hell of a political campaign.

      Personally it sounds like you hate arabs and think of them as stupid children at best that must be told how to act or else they may as well be disposed of.

      • @echo
        -57 hours ago

        At some point the morons in the USA are going to have to learn that Trump actually tells the truth about the harm that he wants to do. He has a very clear track record where it’s not hard to know when he’s telling you to your face who he is and what he plans vs. lying.

        I’m tired of this propaganda narrative that is pushing voters to Trump and 3rd parties in an effort to defeat Harris. There are only two types of people who would do that: Fucking Morons and Fucking Trolls (with a healthy overlap between the two groups)

        Harris or Trump will be the next POTUS - it’s time to be ultra-fucking-clear and deliberate about who you want that to be. If you want it to be Trump then don’t be a fucking coward. Say that you’re voting for Trump instead of pretending that this has anything to do with Harris.

  • تحريرها كلها ممكن
    2 days ago

    Not just in Michigan, I’m in Pennsylvania and I’m staying home.

    No one should be upset that [some] Arabs and Muslims are not voting for the Democrats. The Democratic Party doesn’t need our votes and they made it clear to us. They care about white suburban voters and former Trump voters. I told my representative a year ago if the genocide doesn’t stop I am not voting, she responded back with a long email about Israel’s right to defend itself. I still feel a punch in my gut every time I remember her response.

      82 days ago

      This could be a good opportunity to explore 3rd party and independent candidates that could really use your vote. There are some small benefits to voting 3rd party or independent over staying at home. Helping get a party to 5% popular vote gets them some public campaign funding in their next general election. It also shows the two Major parties that you are willing to vote, but you don’t like their platform. -That’s worth something. Lastly, politicians in the major parties like to co-opt policy ideas that originated in smaller parties. Did you know that AOC’s previously proposed Green New Deal idea did not originate in the Democrat party?

      • I wanted to vote third party but I read that the Democratic Party got third parties banned from the ballot. I guess if there’s a write-in option I still might.

          14 hours ago

          In some states the major parties got certain candidates banned. Here in indiana the Green party is banned even as a write-in (try to make that make sense) but Cornel West as an independent is accepted and so is PSL candidate Claudia De la Cruz. In Georgia Cornel West and Claudia De la Cruz are banned while the Green Party’s Jill Stein is allowed. It’s worth checking out each candidates website to see which states they have “ballot access”…

          [addendum] I feel like i’m committing an injustice if I don’t mention the Libertarian party which also has ballot access in every state, though I adamantly disagree with them.

      -52 days ago

      I have to ask then, what are your feelings on Trump and Vance’s comments that they want to deport everyone who isn’t blatantly white, regardless of their citizenship status? I understand your frustration with the US Government, and this has been a long-standing issue across both parties to support Israel at all costs when we get pretty much nothing in return, but the Trump party is chomping at the bit to create a white nationalist country and put everyone else in internment camps. If you lose all of your rights as a citizen, how would you be of any help to the Arab and Muslim nations then?

      I’m a white guy, the only way Trump’s administration is going to impact me is by the massive increase in cost of everything since his only concept of an economic plan is to tariff everything, but I’m still scared of what he’s threatening to do to everyone else. If we keep him out of office then maybe nothing changes or maybe we have a chance to try and fix things, and that’s the best-case scenario that I can see right now.

      • I hated and feared Trump enough to vote for Clinton in 2016 and Biden in 2020. Now I am indifferent to what he might do to me personally. I am no better than the young girl who was filled with bullets or the young boy who burned alive with weapons Biden sent Israel. I personally have accepted that if I am lucky I am next, and if I am not lucky I will live to continue witnessing it without being able to do anything about it. Losing my citizenship, being deported, being thrown in a prison camp or tortured, doesn’t scare me or concern me anymore.

        I don’t know if I am communicating clearly how dead I feel or not. Biden made me want to leave and want nothing to do with the US in a way Trump never did despite my fears.

          22 days ago

          I think I get the idea. It’s bleak and you feel like there’s nothing you can do to change what’s happening. I’m sorry you feel that way and maybe at some point things will change for the better. That’s how I keep pushing forward, just looking forward to what might be in the future. During the Obama administration it felt like we were actually becoming better as a nation, more accepting of others and their differences, more willing to reach out to our neighbors. The only way I see things starting to get better again is to squash this notion that it’s somehow ok to polarize the whole nation to hate each other, and maybe then we’ll be able to start trying to help others again. Hope keeps us going.

    42 days ago

    We’ll let the guy who considers us to be sub-human and will let Netanayahu do whatever he wants in Gaza lead instead. That’ll show those Democrats!

    -31 day ago

    Did they forget that Trump formally recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moved the US embassy from Tel Aviv?