Major or minor, doesn’t matter. Just something you’ve been hoping for to happen for years and years, despite many promises and declarations made of that thing happening. Only for it to never happen at all.

Two things come of mind to me.

For America, we will never ever see an Independent take hold of the presidency. It hasn’t happened for over 170+ years and that’s a long damn time since the last time a person representing an independent party has ever held office. The only successes an independent party ever sees is smaller governments or some seats somewhere in the house or senate, that’s about it.

But every election cycle, people are hamming up about how it’s going to be the year for independents, until the primaries come and go and we’re back to falling on two parties. I’ve stopped getting my hopes up and I stopped hoping the moment Bernie Sanders, who originally did run as an independent for the presidential election in 2016, had to turn to running as a democrat because even he realized that was the only way he was going to get votes at all.

One other thing and it’s gaming related is that, there are still Nintendo fans out there hoping for a Mother 3 english release. It’s a game that was released in 2006 and it never left Japan since. Despite all of the re-releases of Mother and Earthbound, Mother 3 has not gotten a localization. It’s been released as a fan translation and I feel that’s the best we’re ever going to get.

It’s been 18 years since it’s original release and I think there’s no point in hoping now for Nintendo to release it. They’re too busy suing people.

    117 minutes ago

    There’s a really great video by Filmcow that explains how hope is a poison for the mind. I think we’re living in a pretty hopeless world, and trying to desperately cling to the pretense that things will change without action from ourselves is dangerous and naive. If there’s something about the world that you passionately want to change and you’re not working to correct it, you will only disappoint yourself by hoping someone else will change it for you. Give up hope and embrace action.

  • Tiefling IRL
    16 minutes ago

    If you want to see an independent win the presidency, vote for the only candidate in this election who has a reasonable chance of defeating the orange fascist, then put all your energy into campaigning for an end to FPTP

    That said, I’ve given up hope on this country every treating fascists and white supremacists how they should be treated

  • Clay_pidgin
    248 minutes ago

    It feels pretty pointless to write a first book now - everyone will assume I had an LLM do it for me.

    134 minutes ago

    That giving of yourself and being discerning, you could make sure to find balanced relationships.

    People lie, to you and to themselves. Everyone wants to say they’re going to be their best person when times are tough. Reality can be quite different when the pain kicks in or dynamics change.

    But at this point after countless emergencies while being the one to stand up in the end to carry the sisyphean boulders, the truth is people are going to stand back in a panic when shit hits the fan and I’m going to be the one to figure things out.

    Best compromise I have settled on is surrounding myself with people who will help when I ask. It’s up to me to ask, plan, and keep all our heads above water, which is exausting, but they won’t blow me off.

    It’s the best I have been able to find of the available optional combination of traits in people i find attractive. 🙃

  • toomanypancakes
    32 hours ago

    I’ve lost hope that things will ever get better. This is it, this is all life has to offer. If you don’t like it, well, suck it up.

    113 hours ago

    That we’re gonna do something real about the whole climate change thing. We’re doing a bunch of window dressing, but there are too many entrenched interests fighting it.

    My current hope is that my kids (and their kids) can make the best of whatever a +2C or +4C world looks like. And we manage to survive despite any ecosystem collapses.

  • JaggedRobotPubes
    53 hours ago

    Society unfucking itself.

    It seems like if things get bad enough, we’d adjust, but the air became poison and still is poison from covid, something that actively affects literally everybody right now in the present regardless of grouping, and we don’t just fail to address it, we sprint as hard as possible back towards trying to make things the way they were, which isn’t possible with poison air, so we get…this.

    It’s not that covid was, it’s that covid still is our dry run for climate change, and we see what people are going to do: keep shooting you and themselves in the foot, and when you point out what’s going on, stab you in the face and go right back to working overtime to continue ruining things, and trying very hard to imply that they’re being reasonable.

    115 hours ago

    Prior to the 2016 election, I was hopeful that the freedom caucus and the rest of the far right was getting too crazy for the general public, and that its support would collapse leading to a bit of a normalization of politics.

    Wishful thinking, in retrospect.

    • PyflixiaOP
      135 minutes ago

      Some of us had that hope going into the 2004 election, but Bush got re-elected.

      And we had an idea then that no matter how shitty you are as a person, run Republican and you’ll somehow have a chance.

    • Rhynoplaz
      53 hours ago

      Who’d have thought the Tea Party would look relatively sane at this point?

    44 hours ago

    Until a man is twenty-five, he still thinks, every so often, that under the right circumstances he could be the baddest motherfucker in the world. If I moved to a martial-arts monastery in China and studied real hard for ten years. if my family was wiped out by Colombian drug dealers and I swore myself to revenge. If I got a fatal disease, had one year to live, devoted it to wiping out street crime. If I just dropped out and devoted my life to being bad. Hiro used to feel that way, too, but then he ran into Raven. In a way, this is liberating. He no longer has to worry about trying to be the baddest motherfucker in the world. The position is taken. The crowning touch, the one thing that really puts true world-class badmotherfuckerdom totally out of reach, of course, is the hydrogen bomb. If it wasn’t for the hydrogen bomb, a man could still aspire. Maybe find Raven’s Achilles’ heel. Sneak up, get a drop, slip a mickey, pull a fast one. But Raven’s nuclear umbrella kind of puts the world title out of reach. Which is okay. Sometimes it’s all right just to be a little bad. To know your limitations. Make do with what you’ve got.

    -Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash

    23 hours ago

    Being young and the possibility that comes with it, I suppose. I’m not unhappy or anything, but there are times where I see the rest of my life laid out in front of me, and I’d be stupid to change it. And that’s fine, but I do miss the possibility space that came with not having your shit together.

  • Quazatron
    146 hours ago

    gestures broadly at all things

    Humanity in general. People are jerks. Maybe Agent Smith was right all along.

    Other than that… Half-Life 3 ever being made.

    24 hours ago

    Nothing really. There are things I don’t have much faith for, and some of those are ones I used to be more hopeful of before but I haven’t exactly given up on anything.

    45 hours ago

    The more I aged, the more “hopes and dreams” I gave up on. I guess that’s the normal human experience. You might want to be a pro in sports or a dancer or a famous doctor…but then you grow out of the age where reaching those is possible (dancing goes first…).

    Other than that, I’ve given up on so many hopes, only to then later get back to them. Like the hope of connecting to people, or to make art, to teach,…those and more are things I gave up on and later readopted.

    So give up hope, but it might just come back :)