I saw this on my homie’s screen, clearly they are a far-right text messager:
(defun queue-next (queue ptr) (let ((length (length (queue-elements queue))) (try (the fixnum (1+ ptr)))) (if (= try length) 0 try)))
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Better keep an eye on them. I think they’re scheming something.
They’re clearly making a racket over there
I can’t understand it, does your friend have a lisp?
Never ask a emacs user to show their conf files… Immediately Nuremberg trials
(clearly /s…)
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Is this real? I’ve never seen this before.
On places like 4chan, it’s used as a kind of dogwhistle. For example:
My (((neighbor))) came to me the other day, and…
I think the internet gets stupider every day at this point.
It comes from an alt-right podcast, where rather than outright say “this person is a jew and jews are bad”, they started making the names of jewish people (or those they suspected of being jewish) echo dramatically so they could have plausible deniability. The textual form of that echo became (((this))).
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this is true but it doesn’t explain why;
this is the case because IM clients will often put a colon between the username and the message, so simply writing ) gives you “username : )”. it then escaped simple IM clients and now the russosphere uses it even in the absence of the colon.
Yeah, it’s one of my favorite little historical developments on the internet. A totally local convention that made perfect sense in the context of mIRC and similar things, yet persisted as an independent meaningful token.
Did it make sense with mIRC? IRC clients wrap the name in angle-brackets, not a colon. This sounds more like AIM.
I remember it with mIRC, but it might have been a false memory, you’re right! Then again, it might have been some custom styling that enabled it?
Anyway, it definitely is the case for stuff like ICQ (I double-checked 😺).
/me shrugs
The far right symbol looks like a fat butt.
Fat right.
It’s not used on its own, it’s for putting around a name like (((this))) to imply someone is a jew and you hate them without outright saying it.
I thought three brackets was sunn o))) tbh
Is ((( ))) really an evil a ti jew thing, or is it made up? I hope is made up, cuz that’s weird.
It’s called “echoes,” and basically it’s like extreme emphasis.
You imagine (((wow))) to be said in a very loud, booming voice.
Nazis, for a while, were using this exclusively with jewish names because they’re incredibly subtle.
I think it was because they got banned from everywhere
for being racist assholes openlybecause of the evil global Jew conspiracy so they came up with all kinds of euphemisms and codes like this. But yeah, very subtle.deleted by creator
I would hope so. I love making the nazi ineffective.
But also, I distinctly remember learning about echoes and thinking “wow. that’s a useful trick. language sure is cool.” like a pico-second before learning about the racism and I’m still mad about it.
I’ve heard about it for a while but didn’t look it up until now. The parentheses represent echoes, and putting a Jewish person’s surname in-between the parentheses symbolizes how the historic actions of Jews caused their surnames to “echo throughout history” (feel free to fact-check the source, I’m not going to)
also apparently i somehow lost the ability to link to a specific part of a website
ok. but what is
This is so romantic
it’s one of the spacecraft from Star Wars
No, my dear friend.
It’s “Back and forth. Forever”
i stíl prefer {{{{ and }}}} for hugging <3