I’m vegan, but when push comes to shove, I can make a temporary exception for rich folk.
The trick to slaughtering a rich is to make it feel comfortable, like there’s nothing wrong…everything’s just business as usual…that’s right richy… just chill…Then it’s just a matter of slitting their throats, removing their organs for disposal or refrigerating, and hanging them upside down to drain most of the blood. Allow to sit for at least 1 week in a well refrigerated environment before cooking or freezing for longer term storage.
This is if you want to butcher the rich grass fed, pasture raised style. If you factory farm, you can just kick em to death in front of their kids and start to chow down.
Cheaper, less effort, and less nutritious/tasty, but hey, what are we gonna do? Change the way we farm the rich to be more humane? Pfft, not on my dime!
No no, I prefer my rich to be slaughtered the humane way, like chicken. Neck in a clamp, water boarded, beaten with a dozen silicone mallets until all the feathers I mean hair is removed, then I want a vacuum to pierce their stomachs and suck out their organs and then at the end decapitated.
If their office job has a window even better, Free Range Rich!!!
I wasn’t raised on a ton of “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” propaganda to start skipping it now, dammit
Soylent green time.
When people have nothing more to eat, they will feed each other to the rich and hope to survive on the scraps.
Wall Street Journal, The voice of the people
Is this real? Holy shit! That’s some sadistic unfeeling human garbage writing. “If you’re poor, just starve. And be grateful for the opportunity.”
When the people have nothing to eat they’re thrown into a war. No people - no problem. © Stalin.
Sad but true, history repeats itself. A WW III would be perfect and, look, we’re actually on the verge of it. Wonder what will be equivalent of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand’s murder this time.
There are plenty of deadly conflicts going on right now in poor countries. And their rulers and dictators are going just fine. History repeats itself for sure, yet many still bark nonsense like “eat the rich”.
You won’t eat the rich, the rich will eat you and you’ll be happy about it.
The poor are going to be too weak to fight, and the relatively comfortable liberals will chide them and tell them they should vote for Hitler (D) instead of Hitler ® and that is the only way to “get out of this mess.”