I left a couple of months ago. Couldn’t be happier.

The writing is on the wall. The leader thinks the Genius-with-hair-transplants is a superstar, despite destroying a globally recognised brand. Inspired by this, Spez is trying to get Reddit ready for an IPO. This means, maximise profits by any means.

  • Ann Archy@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    Yeah I gotta say, I make sure to vote in every election to the European parliament, and I have always voted for the representatives with the strongest privacy oriented agendas, and over the decades I have been blown away by some of the great legislation we have seen with regards to regulating the capitalist hydra trying to devour our freedom of speech and interaction online.

    Holding gargantuan companies accountable like Google, Microsoft, FaceBook et al, dishing out serious fines, GDPR… EU may not do everything right, but these things alone makes me happy to be in it.