A jury has found a delivery driver not guilty in the shooting of a YouTube prankster who was following him around a mall food court earlier this year
A jury has found a delivery driver not guilty in the shooting of a YouTube prankster who was following him around a mall food court earlier this year
Cook said he continues to make the videos, from which he earns $2,000 to $3,000 a month.
Professional asshole gets shot and learns nothing. All over 2 to 3k a month. Dude could literally work at mcdonalds and make that kind of money.
I’d rather get shot than work at McDonald’s. Have you worked a low wage customer facing job? Literally anything is better. I’d rather have children kick me in the balls all day.
But you would also have to be a total asshole and go around harassing strangers who are just trying to get on with their lives.
True, my point was more about using McDonald’s as a measuring stick is a bad call. Like I’d seriously have to think about it if I have to do one or the other for an extended period.
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Harassing people seems like less work
If I could guarantee I’d live, I think I legit agree.
Guaranteed to live but you have to shit in a bag for the rest of your life.
Pull the trigger
Should make a YouTube channel and call it Ow My Balls
Having worked in fast food and factories, I’d much rather the fast food work than any kind of repetitive factory work.
I’d rather get shot if it was a mild wound and I didn’t have to pay the medical bills afterwards*.
America, the land of opportunity!™
It’s interesting, the YouTuber clearly doesn’t have medical insurance through his job because… well he makes YouTube videos for a living. He was shot, so that was presumably a huge medical expense. I wonder who’s paying his bills? His parents?
So long as you pay something on a bill, you generally don’t have too much of an issue. I can’t tell you the number of people I know that are making $5 a month payments on $$$ medical bills. One of my coworkers and his wife had separate major health emergencies that put them in the hospital within 3 days of each other. She was in for months, he was in for weeks. Their combined bills after insurance is just over $500,000. $5 a month.
I have a feeling I’m going to be having surgery sometime in the near future, and I’ll be joining that $5 crowd, because I’m still getting bills from a host of tests run at the beginning of the year that I’m paying on. I’m pretty much tapped out at this point.
Well if you get shot at McDonald’s, you’ll get workers’ comp. for a while. They’ll cut you off eventually, pay you pennies on the dollar of what wages you lost. They will cover your medical bills though.
Do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life…
This kid loves being an obnoxious asshole, it’s his calling.
He’s working up his immunity by getting shot with smaller calibers first, by the time he’s making 10k/month, he’ll have himself immune to high-caliber rifle rounds from people that are trying to kill him from a distance.
.338 Lapua?
Sue the youtuber until he bankrupts.
What McDonald’s are you working at for $25+ an hour?.Don’t listen to me
2,000 a month is 12.50 an hour not 25. And here 12.50 is below minimum wage.
You’re right, my bad. I’d like to blame the bad math on it being early morning… But it’s just me being dumb.
Don’t apologize, their math is wrong too. That might be their gross pay, but their take home is likely ~2/3 of that.
That’s fine. How would you expect anyone in a conversation like this to apply taxes? Which city, county and state are you going to use for those calculations?
Are you purposely missing the point, or…? Seems like you’re just trying to argue for the sake of arguing.
I’m good.
I don’t know, you completely lost me
Well that’s not take home. They’d prob be taking home around 2/3 of that. So more like 1,300 at $12.50/hour if my quick math is right.
You realize they pay taxes either way right?
Huh? I’m just saying that someone making $12.50/hour, working 40 hours a week, isn’t taking home anything close to $2,000.
And neither is the youtuber which is exactly the point I was making. That theyre being a cunt to other people over what amounts to be a minimum wage job.
Being a youtuber does not magically make you not subject to the exact same taxes that everyone else is. They are not taking home all of what they made any more than a mcdonalds worker does. In fact, being self employed means you are paying the other half of the medicare/social security tax not just half of it directly with most jobs.
Please look at usernames, I’m not the person you’re arguing with. I just corrected the person who said people who make $12.50/hr are making $2k a week because that’s absurd. That’s all.
I was the person you responded to. Check the username and:
I did not say 2,000 a week. I said 2,000 a month.
A youtuber making 2k a month is not taking home more money than someone making 2k a month at mcdonalds. They pay the same taxes. Actually the employer pays half of the social security/medicare tax while the self employed pay the entirety of it themselves.