President Joe Biden is arguing that “there is something dangerous happening in America” as he revives his warnings that Donald Trump and his allies represent an existential threat to the country’s democratic institutions.

There is an extremist movement that does not share the basic beliefs of our democracy. The MAGA movement,” Biden says in excerpts of the speech Thursday in Arizona, released in advance by the White House, referring Trump’s Make America Great Again slogan.

Although voting in the 2024 Republican primary doesn’t begin for months, Biden’s focus reflects Trump’s status as the undisputed frontrunner for his party’s nomination despite facing four indictments, two of them related to his attempts to overturn Biden’s victory in the 2020 election.

    939 months ago

    He’s absolutely right. The GOP wants to abandon democracy and install Trump as a dictator. We are on a dangerous precipice.

      389 months ago

      "If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.”—David Frum, Republican speech writer under W. Bush

      This was not a warning. It was a threat.

        179 months ago

        It was a warning. Frum is and always has been a staunch never-Trumper. He’s still a conservative, but he was never on board with Trump and to his credit has been pretty vocal in his opposition.

      • Queen HawlSera
        49 months ago

        Oh my god, it was a republican that said that? That makes that line scarier, because that means was probably said with the idea that abandoning democracy is a good thing.

      89 months ago

      I had not given my brain the space to imagine that Trump would be the choice of dictator. I guess there would never be a ‘good’ dictator candidate but damn that would be insane.

        19 months ago

        I would be a good dictator. I don’t crave fame, fortune, or control. I like to live a quite life, have general good will for people and am kind.

        I have a very technical background, a decent understanding of, and more importantly a high respect for, science. My number one skill is probably troubleshooting complex systems.

        I’m am secure enough in my knowledge and abilities that I have no problem admitting when I’m wrong, and enjoy and am not threatened by other people being right so I can learn something new.

        I make a terrible manager, so I’d have to delegate the vast majority of the actual work to competent people.

        Mostly I just want everyone treated fair and equal, to have access to basic needs, and the ability to better themselves.

        I absolutely don’t want the job, nor do I think anyone should have it, but yeah, I think I’d make a good dictator.

    899 months ago

    MAGAts are traitors.

    They tried to destroy our democracy and install Trump as dictator. They trampled and beat hundreds of police officers in an attempt get their hands on the vice president in order to lynch him.

    Republicans are so lawless and disdainful of our justice system that they aren’t even a little bit bothered that Trump was found liable for rape and fraud. They don’t care in the slightest that Trump is out on bail for trying to steal the election, and for stealing classified documents.

    Republicans are attempting to impeach a newly elected judge for the singular reason that she acknowledged the legally decided fact that Republicans cheated and gerrymandered their state to seize power without the consent of the governed.

    Republicans have become echo chambers for Putin’s propaganda, openly siding with our enemies over our allies.

    Republicans are openly plotting to replace all the NONPARTISAN long-term government employees with violently partisan stooges who don’t come anywhere close to meeting the bare minimum requirements for doing these essential jobs.

    Make no mistake at all: Republicans are a minority party with no interest anything but seizing power and harming anyone who they decide is an enemy. They can’t win over the voters with their perverted ideology, so they are determined to do ANYTHING inside or outside the bounds of the law, or even basic human decency, in order to steal the country from real Americans.

    Republicans must be stopped, because if they gain power, they will make sure we never have anything close to a real election again. We will be living under a Christian theocracy, every bit as sick and hateful as the Taliban.

      69 months ago

      They’re American. They’re the worst of us. But they’re American. We can and should be better than them though. But we can’t do that by acting like them.

      • Flying Squid
        159 months ago

        You can be an American citizen and be UnAmerican. They reject the basic ideals this country was founded upon. That makes them fundamentally UnAmerican.

          99 months ago

          I definitely want to agree with you. No question there. But any country that enshrined slavery in their constitution. As we have. Who has fascisticaly toppled foreign governments for wealthy business interests. As we have. Who participated in genocide of native peoples up till at least the 1970s that we know of. As we have. Definitely matches their desires and behaviors quite well.

          Not enough to make me question that those of us that want better might be the unamerican ones. But enough to recognize our failings as a country. And the difficult road ahead to be who we want to be, us. Vs who we’ve historically been, them.

        69 months ago

        They might technically be citizens but they are unpatriotic fifth columnists. And that’s being nice. It might be more correct to call them domestic terrorists: many of them openly moon over the idea of an actual shooting civil war and/or a government that will let them kill Americans that disagree with them and/or are the wrong color/ethnicity/religion, etc.

          19 months ago

          America has a long history of that unfortunately. We were the inspiration for the Nazis after all. We have made a lot of progress over the last 200 years. But they are very much part of who we’ve been unfortunately.

          The lions share of people who originally settled the United States were criminals, and the dregs of society that refused to not be bigots. The pilgrims for instance. You have to remember the history we are taught is extremely whitewashed and sterilized. Then stuffed with false hero worship.

          I agree they’re a danger to themselves and everyone else. But they are absolutely American and absolutely represent some of the worst America has to offer. And patriotic to that vision of the United States.

  • balderdash
    219 months ago

    Well the spineless Republican candidates jockying for the vice presidency aren’t going to say it.

    • Franzia
      39 months ago

      Yeah I saw a poll/survey that said voters found Biden to be “too liberal” and the GOP is just about the right amount of conservative.

      • Queen HawlSera
        9 months ago

        Yeah, targeting the MAGA crowd is not going to work. The Dems need an identity outside of “We aren’t Republicans”

        Edit: That said, I must confess it is good to see they’re finally taking the Right seriously as a threat instead “ThEy WaNT WhAT’s BeSt fOr tHE NaTIon, wE JuSt NeEd A BeTTeR ComPrOmISE”

    9 months ago

    I think this guy sucks, but he’s not wrong here. I’ll vote for him again because as shitty as he is, he’s not going to completely destroy our country and/or destabilize the entire world.

    If Trump is elected, that guy is going to hand Ukraine to Putin, and sever ties between the US and the majority of our allies in Europe.

      9 months ago

      If Biden wants to fight extremism he could maybe make the alphabets do something about all the domestic terror threats.

      Maybe by admitting it’s domestic terrorism to threaten to murder your milquetoast political opponents.

      • Franzia
        59 months ago

        Damn I’m so trained by the talking points. When you said alphabets I thought you meant gay people. Like what am I supposed to do? 🤣

    • Catradora-Stalinism☭
      -149 months ago

      I think this guy sucks, but he’s not wrong here. I’ll vote for him again because as shitty as he is, he’s not going to completely destroy our country and/or destabilize the entire world.

      looking at the state of US foreign politics and the growing tensions with russia and china I think they’re already doing this. Biden will fight with russia and get us killed while trump will fight china and get us all killed.

      Two sides, same coin, yada yada

        59 months ago

        I think you’re a moron.

        We aren’t fighting Russia, and we won’t be fighting them anytime soon. They wont fight us because Ukraine has actually decimated their military in an absolutely hilarious manner . Russia is well aware that they will lose immediately if they escalate, so they won’t.

        I’d be glad if we pissed off China, although nothing will happen in this regard either.

    119 months ago

    … about fucking time?

    But all politicians are equally at fault for not leglislating to ensure workers have livable salaries and encouraging the “outsourcing” thing that moved jobs overseas so people could buy cheaper Walmart stuff.

    109 months ago

    It’s no secret. They make no attempt to hide their scorn for democratic principles.*

    For example mininizing the number of eligible citizens who vote, by intimidation, “technical issues”, restricting in person voting times, targetting early and mail-in voting to name only a few tactics.

    Also compare their legislative priorities with what actual Americans want… almost nothing in common. They continue to push a radical Christofascist agenda and are actually willing to destroy the country if they can’t get their way.

    Republicans are the party of cruelty and misanthropy now, that is their absolute worst failing.

    *Not our “democracy” because it has never been a democracy, but I’ll give him a pass there since literally every American politician abuses the language and people aren’t educated enough to know the difference.

    89 months ago

    The story of Joe Biden and his incredible perseverance, through hurdles and tragedies, is tremendously relatable to the common citizen. This man dusts himself off and charges headlong back into the fray after every setback. Lesser men would crumble, if faced with his challenges.

  • AutoTL;DRB
    29 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    President Joe Biden is arguing that “there is something dangerous happening in America” as he revives his warnings that Donald Trump and his allies represent an existential threat to the country’s democratic institutions.

    The MAGA movement,” Biden says in excerpts of the speech Thursday in Arizona, released in advance by the White House, referring Trump’s Make America Great Again slogan.

    Biden’s speech is his fourth in a series of presidential addresses on the topic, a cause that is a touchstone for him as he tries to remain in office even in the face of low approval ratings and widespread concern from voters about his age, 80.

    In closed-door fundraisers, Biden has spoken at length about reelection, imploring supporters to join his effort to “literally save American democracy,” as he described it to wealthy donors this month in New York.

    Republican state lawmakers used their subpoena power to obtain all the 2020 ballots and vote-counting machines from Maricopa County, then hired Trump supporters to conduct an unprecedented partisan review of the election.

    The money comes from a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package passed in the early months of Biden’s presidency, and the project is in partnership with the with the McCain Institute and Arizona State University.

    The original article contains 1,170 words, the summary contains 205 words. Saved 82%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • Catradora-Stalinism☭
    -59 months ago

    Im honestly sick of hearing how much they’re going to do and then they just never do it

    like didn’t biden keep building the wall? We were supposed to have it stopped or teared down, but they just kept letting it go.

    im sick of this country