Donald Trump on Sunday proposed a new policy that many critics said is equivalent to legalizing “The Purge.”

Trump spoke at a rally in Pennsylvania, where he admitted that his attendees were “falling asleep” at one of his earlier rallies. Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign noted that, as Trump was still speaking at the swing-state event over the weekend, rallygoers placed directly behind the former president started to funnel out of the building.

One comment Trump made drew condemnation on social media, as well as numerous comparisons to The Purge, a film series based on a dystopian world in which the government makes all crimes legal for a 12-hour period.

As reported by Sebastian Smith, AFP Washington desk chief, “Trump in Erie, PA, says in US ‘the police aren’t allowed to do their job.’ To stop crime, you need ‘one really violent day.’ He says: ‘One rough hour and I mean real rough, the word would get out and it would end immediately.’”

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    622 hours ago

    I don’t think Trump is talking about a purge. What Teump is saying that the police should be allowed to get as violent as they want for that one hour.

    You know typical dictator stuff.

    16 minutes ago

    I’m sure he’s talking about giving police carte blanche to be as violent as they want for an hour. Which is obviously batshit. But it honestly makes me wonder…is he trying to lose this election?

    21 hour ago

    Lee Kovarsky: “People confuse telling hard truths with just being a total f------ idiot”

    I need to use that. For my whole life people have always stated obvious shit and hateful statements and insist that being hateful and insulting automatically means the truth.

    42 hours ago

    People who think something insane like the purge are the ones who can’t imagine they would die.

  • fmstrat
    425 hours ago

    One comment Trump made drew condemnation…

    Just one?

      333 minutes ago

      Hard to imagine Trump has read very many books. More likely it’s just something he made up on the spot, because that’s what he’s been doing for decades. It’s why he sounds so stupid all the time. He doesn’t think about anything, he just spews out whatever is on the top of his mind. That’s how we got to injecting bleach and putting light inside the body and windmills causing cancer and an absolutely insane medley of incredible bullshit. It’s not because he’s researched the topic in any way, shape, or form.

      233 hours ago

      As much as I know Trump is a piece of shit nazi, it’s far more likely that he watched a movie, rather than anything to do with reading.

        72 hours ago

        No way he read the book, but he’s immersed enough in that far-right shit scape that it’s not really much of a stretch to believe he picked it up somewhere. I’m sure people on Truth Social love talking about it.

            22 hours ago

            That’s why people like me and other lefties often take one for the team and read it so you don’t to

            Firstly there is thought slime’s video on the thing describing it in great detail, and then there is the TV tropes that also has some great information on it.

            What do I have to add? I need to mention that one aspect of the Turner diaries plays up is that somehow the opposition is so incredibly afraid of being labeled racist or 'politically correct ’ (now usually called woke) and will allow all manner of heinous crimes committed by non-white people in order to avoid that.

            This is a trope that is often employed by right wing authors, including Ben Shapiro and Glen Beck. They have this idea that liberals and lefties are so terrified of the racist label that they would never describe a suspect as black or Asian for fear of ‘racial profiling’ (even though that isn’t what it is) that blacks somehow commit crimes with impunity until a conservative calls it for what it is and gets the job done.

            The Turner diaries does the same… but only far worse. There are several parts of the book where blacks all form cannibal and rape rings and just kidnap at random white girls (and only white girls) to rape and eat and all the white authority figures are powerless to stop them due to the fear not being called racist.

    33 hours ago

    Honestly, a purge might be good for America. Most people purging would be accelerationist alt-right power fantasy morons, and they would be the first to get killed off by each other.

      31 hour ago

      The problem with these people is even when they shoot each other they somehow also manage to hit an innocent bystander. Real purge situations from the past are basically just like old school KKK lynchings.

    749 hours ago

    They make it sound like he shouldn’t have said it out loud. This is the shit his loyalists love! He means to say it and they were meant to hear it.

    He wasn’t “caught” doing shit.

  • Konala Koala
    398 hours ago

    I think Trump wanting to “make all crimes legal for a twelve hour period” should be enough to dump, disqualify, and imprison his @$$.

    • FuglyDuck
      215 hours ago

      I think if he made all crimes legal, for 12 hours- and gave people plenty of warning, he’d be dead in the first.

      I mean, it must be an exercise of immense self control to be on his security detail, and not constantly wonder about the good that could happen. If they just.

      Also. Throw in all his cooks and food delivery people, the people that maintain his vehicles. The people that maintain the golf course… the mail people. The people that do the laundry. Change his diapers. The people that manage his medications.

      There’s an awful lot of people that he relies on to survive. Any one of them could end it, and he shits on them near constantly.

      Remove the threat of consequences? Oh yeah. It’d be a battle royally, and he’s the king to regicide.

    4910 hours ago

    Unrelated to the content, how does a self respecting journalist start an article’s title with “Omg”?

    Like I feel dirty even giving them a click when I have no obligation to society, it’s just depressing to see them presenting as a credible news source

      2 hours ago

      how does a self respecting journalist start an article’s title with “Omg”?

      Probably the same way we don’t start them with “VERILY!” or “FORSOOTH!”. Language evolves and makes old people mad. Tale as old as time.

    • @ReCursing
      -34 hours ago

      Omg word using person uses word that you understood to communicate idea.

      Get over yourself, mate

      -369 hours ago

      Unrelated to the content, how does a self respecting journalist

      The fact you lack respect for other living beings does not indicate that they necessarily lack respect for themselves.

        188 hours ago

        Oh my god, is that what those funky-wunky little lines around Omg meant?

        Before I just thought it was just a sensationalist garbage headline, I had no idea someone ACTUALLY said “Omg” in relation to the article, mind blown, thanks

  • masterofn001
    7712 hours ago

    The Purge has been central to Q Anon.

    It was supposed to happen 4 years ago but trump lost.

    Had he won, the trucker convoy would have been a part of it.

    (I was witness to some chatter and had this directly communicated to me.)

    Also, see: the turner diaries a book. A horrible violent racist book. There’s a theme throughout.

    “The day of the gun and rope”

    One of the organisers of the convoy in Canada loved using the phrase, “day of the rope” in reference to hanging our prime minister. (Also see “diagolon”)

    The threepers/ 3 percenters ara group that believe it would take 3% of the population to bring about an ethno state.

    They operate in Canada and the us and were VERY visible in Ottawa.

      12 hours ago

      That isn’t where the 3% number comes from. Also they were very up-their-own-ass, but were ultimately benign. Then they got turned into another terrorist mlitia by maga. So, while you are right in calling them out as the enemy of the people now, that still isn’t what 3% stands for.

    • Flying Squid
      97 hours ago

      The Turner Diaries are what inspired Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols to blow up the federal building in Oklahoma City.

      It’s super dangerous. But at this point, the genie is way out of the bottle.

      8 hours ago

      I don’t in understand how these people really think they are the only ones capable of violence.

      What do they think “the opposing side” will do… lie flat and wait for a bullet to the head?

      • skulblaka
        52 hours ago

        They fully expect to roll into a city in a fleet of lifted F250’s and drive a herd of fleeing vegans before them without having to lift a finger. The fact that liberals can and will defend their homes isn’t an idea that’s crossed their mind. The things that “country folks” believe about “city folks” would boggle the mind.

      • @ReCursing
        124 hours ago

        They think anyone who owns a gun necessarily agrees with them

    11713 hours ago

    The Purge, Period checks, no overtime, mass deportations. The future looks bright. Thank you for bringing so much joy to the world GOP.

      7213 hours ago

      Don’t forget to vote third party or not at all because the Democrats aren’t perfect or because electoral college or voting day is a Tuesday…. s/

        11 hours ago

        Dont forget to not hold democrats accountable for anything so they can move 6 more steps right and normalize all the Republican corporate shit you claimed to be against 10 years ago.

        • Flying Squid
          237 hours ago

          Which candidate that has a chance of winning the election in November do you think Americans should vote for?

            12 hours ago

            Not them but I think the answer is very obviously “not Trump”.
            Everyone should vote for “Not Trump” and it seems that more people agree than not when even his own party wanted a guy with former brain parasites than him.

            There is really some lamenting though that the bar is set so low and the Democrats seem to be happy to not even try to jump over it but take the win on not being Trump.

            It could be an amazing strategy to run on a platform of helping and pushing change instead of telling tired people they will keep things the same.

            Its obvious it needs to be “Not Trump”. But I wouldn’t expect people to be happy about voting for the equivalent of the 2000 Republican Party in spirit here in 2024 when people not wanting that anymore is how the Republicans got Trump in the first place. People are gonna get burnt out and disenfranchised on no change.
            It doesn’t mean they are right to burn it all down but people commit suicide for shitty reasons too.

            • Flying Squid
              42 hours ago

              The only “not Trump” that has a chance of winning is Harris.

              Voting for any other “not Trump” actually helps Trump. You might as well just not vote.

                2 hours ago

                Well only true if they weren’t a Trump supporter voting 3rd party.

                People walking out of his rallies and falling asleep at them does not help Trump.

                I get that Harris is the only person with the current backing up there to win properly against him this election but if you literally take a look at your math there and say someone that votes third party would be better by not voting at all you are just trying to silence people that disagree with you rather than let them have any voice.

                Voting for third party when they wouldn’t have voted at all is not the same as helping Trump and you need to stop being so scared of Trump you keep bullying those that would with that false equivalent.

                • Flying Squid
                  22 hours ago

                  I am not trying to silence anyone. People are free to do what they want. I stand by my position that voting for anyone but Trump or Harris achieves nothing.

                  Voting third party in modern history has never achieved anything and there is no one anywhere close to the popularity of Ross Perot, who came closest.

    -433 hours ago

    You all lived through a trump presidency before and we are about to live through a whoever runs the biden one. None of this crazy shit is going to come to pass. It’s just going to be more of the same.

    The only thing consistent since obama’s second term has been the decline.

    • MobileDecay
      233 hours ago

      Say that to the mothers that were forced to give birth to rape babies.

      22 hours ago

      So just casually passing on the conspiracy that Biden isn’t actually acting as president? That someone is playing him like a puppet?

      One side is calling for literal fascist ideologies and polices. Imprisoning, deporting, and killing whomever they declare are undesirable.

      The other is calling for abortion rights, trans rights, gay rights. Actively working to make life better for all Americans, and not just themselves.

      13 minutes ago

      If it’s “more of the same” I’d like the sane ones to win. Y’know, just in case.