In a community, whether if it’s online or your local club or just society in general, it requires admin/moderator/judges/law enforcement etc. to put in hard work to create rules and order so everything function smoothly. In a sense, the “order” they create here can be treated as a commodity.
A user can do things that helps out the moderators and create order (e.g. taxes, volunteering), or break rules and cause chaos, which “consumes” order (e.g. criminal activity, riots, trolling etc.) . Order consumers refers to people who consumes more order than they create.
Quite similar, I use “order consumer” as you can apply a lot of concepts from finance and economy for a regular consumer, it also makes a bit more sense consider someone can both consumes and create order, e.g. they pay their taxes (creates order) but also litter (consumes order), and its only a problem when you consume more than you create
In a community, whether if it’s online or your local club or just society in general, it requires admin/moderator/judges/law enforcement etc. to put in hard work to create rules and order so everything function smoothly. In a sense, the “order” they create here can be treated as a commodity.
A user can do things that helps out the moderators and create order (e.g. taxes, volunteering), or break rules and cause chaos, which “consumes” order (e.g. criminal activity, riots, trolling etc.) . Order consumers refers to people who consumes more order than they create.
E: typo
It seems like an odd term for what you’re describing. Shouldn’t it be something like “Civic Detractors” or “Chaos Agents”?
I’d call it a disruptor, but Chaos Agent is also good.
Quite similar, I use “order consumer” as you can apply a lot of concepts from finance and economy for a regular consumer, it also makes a bit more sense consider someone can both consumes and create order, e.g. they pay their taxes (creates order) but also litter (consumes order), and its only a problem when you consume more than you create
I’d use the term “antisocial”.
I really appreciate learning this term, thanks