⭐️This Week’s Featured Voices on Flipboard⭐️
It’s not just Mastodon and Threads accounts you can discover on Flipboard — you can also find and follow folks from (to paraphrase the Beatles) across the fediverse! In this week’s Community tab, we featured these photography accounts from @pixelfed@mastodon.social:
Follow their accounts in the app to see their photography right alongside content from your favorite publishers. If you miss them in the Community tab, you can always search for their accounts on Flipboard.
Download the Flipboard app to check it out:
#Flipboard #Federation #ActivityPub #Pixelfed #Photography #Fediverse #MastodonMigration
We had a conversation about your terms of service a few months back. You said you’d fix up some of those. Nothing has changed for the better.
I would be disappointed if I didn’t actually expect this. Techbrodudes, privacy, and consent don’t go together.
#flipboard #privacy #liar