FCC chair Jessica Rosenworcel has announced the agency’s plans to restore net neutrality protections. Previous rules, which prevented ISPs from blocking or throttling specific websites, were nixed in 2017 under the Trump administration.
I can see this being an on-again/off-again situation for a long time. When Rs are in power they’ll remove it, and when Ds are in power they’ll restore it. We need something like this to be enshrined in the law of the land, but more and more it feels like that isn’t ever going to be possible as everything will be open to re-interpretation forever.
We need something like this to be enshrined in the law of the land
I suspect that if we taught our people to value education, and made it easily available to them, we wouldn’t need to enshrine this particular issue (or many others for that matter) in law.
You cannot teach an extremist to value an education when education destroys extremism.
At a certain point people have to be simply told they are wrong and made to acquiesce to the will of the majority. This is one of those instances.
Made to acquiesce to the will of the majority
That doesn’t sound dangerous at all!
Christians are the majority in the USA, would you rather they enshrine into law you must believe in Jesus?
What you most likely mean is that you want to force other people to follow your point of view, which is a dangerous power when granted to everybody, not just the people you agree with.
I’m not saying I disagree with you on this issue, just that the method of enacting change should adapt to be one where the people changing want to change, and consent to it, because you’ve convinced them - not because you’ve forced them, whether physically or situationally.
Christians may be a majority. But extremist Christians with desires on invading privacy and enforcing their religion on others are a minority.
The ending phrase “this is one of those instances” implies they aren’t arguing the point to the same degree you are.
edit: also, the example you provide isn’t really a concern because freedom of religion is currently a guaranteed constitutional right, and if republicans want to repeal that then guns are also entirely on the table. A better example would be gay marriage, where the majority told the conservative minority to stick it and get over it.
My implication was that we teach them before they become extremists.
But I’ll agree that fixing the situation we have already would also be worthwhile.
let’s do it Congress!
Fuck Ajit Pai forever. Bless Jessica Rosenworcel.
I hope someone at the FCC pissed in his giant mug before he left.
Sounds good on paper, but I’ll bet good money they slip in some Ashit Pie level bullshit.
FCC chair proposes reinstating Obama-era net neutrality rules
One word, good!