Ok there is something deeply weird here. Why would a propaganda show allow a Pole on to tell truth about Polish views AND broadcast it. I’m pretty sure it’s not live
Yeah, when I have seen people talk out of turn in the past, they get spoken over quite heavily. My guess is either a) the reality of the situation is too apparent, so lying about it is pointless, and/or b) the Kremlin continues to paint themselves the victim with the world against them with this Polish truth happening to work with second half of the narrative.
Option b seems more likely on behaviour to date I think ?
Why not? In this particular case, Kremlin’s propaganda narrative of Poland being anti-Russian is only strengthened.
Was it actually a mistake by Ukraine, or was it a false flag fail? I mean either way, there’s no way Poland is going to stop helping Russia get punched in the dick.
IMHO it was hard negotiations with the use of international mechanisms. By the way, Poland never said that it will completely stop helping Ukraine.
This worked for me. Firefox on Windows. Thanks!
“No video with supported format and MIME type found” on MacOS Firefox.
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OP posted a mirror above a bit after your comment. Try that one out.
Try Liftoff or Connect App.
Works for me on voyager for iOS
Noaudio using boost on Android.I’m also using boost, and the audio works for me.