Um, what does he think Antifa means? You notice how they almost exclusively use the abbreviation and hardly ever the full name? For those who might actually be unaware, it means Anti-Fascist.
Scott Adams is a fucking moron. He apparently thinks anti-fascists are actually pro-fascist. Dumbass.
He’s probably one of those people who think the nazis were socialists because nazi is short for “national socialist”.
Probably, despite the fact that Hitler himself said they weren’t socialists.
The socialists of the party were killed in Night of the Long Knives
I mean but c’mon are we going to believe a word he said? /S
Or who conveniently forget about the Southern Strategy and the great party switch. Massive, massive mental gymnastics to put themselves on the ‘right’ side of history every time
I thought it was “I did Nazi that coming”
While I agree with both of you, these two points kinda contradict each other.
Just like North Korea is called DPRK: Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. The fascist use whatever words are in fashion to name themselves.
Many do think antifa is just a different word for socialist, so it’s not necessarily a contradiction.
It is a contradiction, though.
“Antifa are ANTI fascist - it’s in the name!!”
“The Nazis weren’t socialist - you could name yourself whatever you want!!”
A lot of conservatives have problems understanding words, especially words that apply to political beliefs. It’s party ignorance and partly a result of years of indoctrination. One example, thinking that anyone who isn’t hard-right is a ‘socialist’ or a ‘commie’ and not understanding that those aren’t the same thing. Then, fascist… many people seem to think fascist means an authoritarian government, independent of any other qualities or beliefs.
I’ve heard more than one person on Fox News or other Right Wing stations call them Fascist Antifa.
The Dilbert guy really went off the deep end, didn’t he?
He went far enough, that there’s a Behind the Bastards episode about him.
Along with Chachi, Hercules, and the Wheel of Fortune guy. Conservatism (read: Fox News) will rot your fucking brain.
What’s this about Wheel of Fortune?
Wait, I thought that was just a random idiot, are you telling me that’s the author of Dilbert?
Hah yeah… It also wasn’t until this post that I made that connection. For the past few years I’ve heard of “the Dilbert Guy going off the deep end” and seen random posts (like this) with this Scott character being an absolute moron
mind blown meme
He certainly did
It’s almost as if Fox News rots your brain! Or maybe boomers just licked a lot of lead paint as kids…
Antifa literally means “anti-fascist.” Anyone who fought against the Nazis in WWII was “antifa.”
And Scott Adams lost his f*cking mind years ago.
You can swear on the internet fyi
You can swear on the internet fyi
Maybe she didn’t want to though
Saying f*ck instead of fuck is just as much swearing. Potentially even more so, since you actively want to avoid word filters.
It is also kind of like saying “f*cking a**hole” isn’t an insult.
I love how much effort you put into pedantry. It’s like you use the most words possible to make the least amount of point lmao
I completely agree with the commenter above. Self censoring swear words is absolutely ridiculous. Either swear or don’t - that’s your choice.
@Owlchemist Comments that insult other community members (directly or indirectly) without adding anything interesting to the conversation are not welcome here.
I completely disagree with you both.
If you feel it’s “insulting” to find judgmental comments that add zero to the discuss except being negative to another community member pedantic, I don’t know what to tell you.
In all honestly, ya’ll’s comments are the same kind of negative as mine. Who cares how someone else chooses to write? How is bemoaning someone’s choice of spelling or self-censor “adding anything interesting to the conversation.” It certainly makes that commenter feel like shit. So who’s rule breaking here?
Why are you being such a ************ about this?
Anyone listen to the Behind the Bastards pod on Adams? It was a two-parter that was awesome. Google it Lemmies.
Care to synopsize?
He was a very special boy who thought he was smarter than everyone else.
Now he’s a dipshit racist alt-righter (redundant, I know) who thinks he’s smarter than everyone else.
That took a two-part podcast to regale? Hunh.
One can sum up The Odyssey as “a bunch of dudes try to get home from war,” but it’s more about the journey than the destination.
Are you equating the nuance of a timeless literary classic to a sheltered white guy’s childhood? For real?
No, I’m saying that if you ask someone to summarize a lengthy piece then it’s a bit ridiculous to complain about the lack of details.
Yes, and I’m starting that if you attempt to summarize, do be sure to touch on key points rather than boiling it down to such a degree that it’s indistinguishable from mud. Pretty basic stuff, friend. Thanks for trying, though.
Every word uttered by a conservative is either a lie or profoundly incorrect. Every communication is an attempt to manipulate. This is who conservatives are.
Never trust the word of a conservative. Never.
I used to read ToiletPaperUSA on reedit and yeah, fuckin Charlie Kirk. EVERYTHING he posts online contains fallacies and conflations attempting to manipulate people, like he knows his ideas can’t stand on their own without dishonesty.
4k retweets and 8k likes. I’d say twitter is a shithole, but those morons are people, and they will just go sonewhere else when twitter dies.
They are probably already on Truth Social.
Well actually the KPD and the NSDAP did work together as they saw the SPD as their combined enemy.
Here is a PhD thesis to the topic.
Edit: I did not mean literally all the time, one single time before the NSDAP rose to power.
See’s comment below
No. No it wasn’t. Antifaschistische Aktion was a paramilitary wing of the communists, fighting both the social democratic Iron Front and the Nazi Sturmabteilung.
The only way in which it could be said to be allied with the Nazis is that both of them opposed the social democrats, but the enemy of your enemy is not in fact your friend. The KPD saw both the SPD and the NSDAP as fascists, rather than in any way allying with the NSDAP against the SPD.
Bro I literally linked a PHd thesis
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Sad troll
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Even sadder, tbh
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Genuine or not, it’s still up there with “Antifa supported Hitler” in terms of sheer awfulness.
Your “opinion” exposes you don’t understand what antifascists are. Antifa is not a group. It literally is just an abbreviated form of the word antifascist. “Antifa” doesn’t do anything. It has no form or organization. It’s just an idea. It’s like saying socialist or conservative.
They pretty much posted themself in ! , that’s ironic
LOL, Scott Adams can’t cope with reality so he has to make up history to make himself feel better.
The fact that he’s rich is the only reason he hasn’t been Baker acted.