It isn’t. People love to blame Reagan but his policies helped fuel the growth in the 90’s.
NAFTA is what destroyed the middle class. It’s the one black eye from an otherwise impressive run from bill Clinton.
My dad was a gm auto worker. Lots of time off until Regan’s policies kicked in then couldn’t work enough. Lost his job when nafta kicked in and they shipped it to Mexico.
If Regan’s policies were so bad then why haven’t the last three democrats presidents removed them ?
It isn’t. People love to blame Reagan but his policies helped fuel the growth in the 90’s.
NAFTA is what destroyed the middle class. It’s the one black eye from an otherwise impressive run from bill Clinton.
My dad was a gm auto worker. Lots of time off until Regan’s policies kicked in then couldn’t work enough. Lost his job when nafta kicked in and they shipped it to Mexico.
If Regan’s policies were so bad then why haven’t the last three democrats presidents removed them ?
Here is an article on Reganomics.