Two years after being let go during the network’s reconstruction period, Brian Stelter will return to his home network of CNN as a “Chief Media Analyst.”

Stelter made the announcement on Tuesday that he would be heading the Reliable Sources newsletter and rejoining the network.

“I’m returning to @CNN in a brand new role as Chief Media Analyst. I’ll be appearing on TV, developing digital content, and once again helming the Reliable Sources newsletter,” he wrote.

Later in the thread, Stelter described going through a change in his media perspective and vowed to be “different.”

“I’m coming back to CNN with a fresh perspective. See, I always scoffed at people who said ‘getting fired was the best thing that’s ever happened to me’ — until it happened to me. After 20+ years as a news junkie, I changed my media habits. I tuned out for a bit and I was incredibly lucky to have time as a stay-at-home dad,” he added. “In the hours when Sunny and Story were at school, I tried on a variety of other hats: Harvard fellow, BBC talking head, magazine writer.

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  • NeverNudeNo13
    6 months ago

    He seriously gave both of his kids first names that began with S? That had to be obviously insane right? Especially with a German last name like Stelter.

    I mean come on right?