cross-posted from:

This is a classic case of tragedy of the commons, where a common resource is harmed by the profit interests of individuals. The traditional example of this is a public field that cattle can graze upon. Without any limits, individual cattle owners have an incentive to overgraze the land, destroying its value to everybody.

We have commons on the internet, too. Despite all of its toxic corners, it is still full of vibrant portions that serve the public good — places like Wikipedia and Reddit forums, where volunteers often share knowledge in good faith and work hard to keep bad actors at bay.

But these commons are now being overgrazed by rapacious tech companies that seek to feed all of the human wisdom, expertise, humor, anecdotes and advice they find in these places into their for-profit A.I. systems.

    1059 months ago

    Ironically, I read about three lines of this article before I got a full-screen popup and then a paywall then closed the tab. And it’s going to get worse apparently.

      99 months ago

      I typically don’t read anything from the new york times, unless I find a free paper somewhere.

    699 months ago

    I don’t think the issue is corps feeding the internet into AI systems. The real issue is gatekeeping to information and only giving access to this information while milking the individual for data by trackers, money by subscriptions, and more money by ads (that we pay for with subscriptions).

    Another larger issue that I fear is often ignored is the amount of control large corporations and in theory the government can have over us just by looking at our trace we leave in the internet. Just have a look at Russia and China for real world examples of this.

      249 months ago

      As an open source contributor, I believe information (facts and techniques) should be free.

      As an open source contributor, I also know that two-way collaboration only happens when users understand where the software came from and how they can communicate back to the original author(s).

      The layer of obfuscation that LLMs add, where the code is really from XYZ open-source project, but appears to be manifesting from thin air… worries me, because it’s going to alienate would-be collaborators from the original authors.

      “AI” companies are not freeing information. They are colonizing it.

        -29 months ago

        My open source project benefits hugely from the free to access LLM coding tools available, that’s a far bigger positive than the abstract fear that someone might feel alienated because the guy copy pasting their code doesn’t know who he’s copying from?

        And yes, obviously the LLM isn’t copying code it’s leaning from a huge range of sources and combining it to make exactly what you ask for (well not exactly but with some needling it gets there eventually) but even if it were that’s still not disrupting collaboration because that’s not how collaboration works - no one says ‘instead of coding all the boring elif statements required for my fiction determining if something is a prime, I’ll search code snippits and collaborate with them’ every worthwhile collaborator to my project has been an active user of the software and wanted to help improve it or add functions - AI won’t change that, and if it does it’ll only be because it makes coding so easy I don’t need collaborators

      119 months ago

      Yep, the truly free and open internet is coming to an end. Corporations and governments have spent decades trying to claim control over it, and they’re nearly there.

    9 months ago

    The internet is fine.

    Listen. The era of algorithms and automated aggregators and what not feeding you endless interesting content is over. Before that we read blogs, we shared them on Usenet and IRC, we had webrings. We engaged in communities and the content we were exposed to was human curated. That is coming back. If we can quit it with the hackernews bot spam on Lemmy, it can be one of those places. You need to find niche forums that interest you that are invite only and start talking to people. The future of the internet is human.

      189 months ago

      Algorithm created curation isn’t necessarily bad. It’s just not great when it’s designed to increase engagement, rather than have the most liked, most interesting or best written content rise to the top. When engagement is the most important metric, instead we get lies, click bait and emotive content rising to the top.

        89 months ago

        Enragement is hard to distinguish from engagement and most creators of algorithms don’t seem to particularly care about the difference. Some creators DO know the difference and still choose the dark side. It’s shitheads all the way down.

        49 months ago

        I’d say it’s more the problem that if you have any system, someone will try to game the system and succeed eventually. There’s no metric for objectively good objective quality that we can measure. Most liked? Use bots or use the number of likes as a goal where you’ll do a silly thing. Most interesting? That’s completely subjective and varied, the only real way to use that would be to track the individuals and serve “things that interest them.” Best written? I don’t know enough about writing to appreciate what’s good and isn’t and most people don’t either as long as it’s good enough and appeals to them.

          39 months ago

          See also SEO. Or marketing in general I guess.

          In theory, you have a better widget so you want to get it to the top of the relevant search results. In practice… 10,000 people trying to make money off a lemon pie recipe create a hellscape of mostly indistinguishable garbage that technically fits the description.

      19 months ago

      Renting a VPS was one of my best internet decisions TBH. I now have exactly this - my own website, XMPP server and an IRC bouncer) IRC forever, seriously.

    609 months ago

    Start making deepfakes of CEOs saying stuff they never said. Bet your ass they’ll make laws real quick about AI protections for individuals.

      9 months ago

      Sir, we have the top of the line ChatGPT7 online. What should we ask it?

      Ask it what our board should direct the company to do.

      Sir its answer is to immediately raise salaries as there is no logical or sustainable reason for excess wealth at the levels of concentration we are at currently with everyone but a few suffering and living our their working years in stress, anxiety and misery for no gain.

      What are our other AI options?

      9 months ago

      Basically every law in favor of the average person only exists because it benefits the owning class in some way.

      It’s the main reason why theft and murder are seen as the highest of crimes yet r— is rarely if ever prosecuted.

          09 months ago

          Because it genuinely causes pain to certain people to read it typed out, communicates equally as well, and is easier to type.

            9 months ago

            Oh yeah. Fair play. Hadn’t considered a person’s reaction to the word. I just wondered why the 2 other crimes were fine but that wasn’t.

            • 👁️👄👁️
              9 months ago

              One triggers trauma and the other you do in video games on the regular

              Also the voting is so weird in your conversation, they were being considerate in censoring the word and was downvoted for saying why? Bandwagon voting is so weird, makes me wonder if they read the comment or just look at the numbers.

                9 months ago

                R— culture is rampant, especially on the internet. Nobody wants to admit it but you have to ask yourself why you get a strong negative response to anyone calling it out, and be prepared for an answer you don’t want to hear.

  • Margot Robbie
    299 months ago

    When there is just paywalls and AI generated text garbage everywhere, it’s nice to have a place where you can read what actual people think about things, good or bad.

    That’s the value of forums nowadays I think.

      279 months ago

      Actual user generated content is absolutely where it’s at.

      I trust a 8 year old forum post or a product review on YouTube by someone with 1,000 subscribers much more than any of the Amazon affiliate link riddled listicles that dominate search results.

      • Margot Robbie
        149 months ago

        Exactly, which is why I keep repeating here, the Google/Facebook advertising model of “personalized content algorithm” was and is a lie that they’ve been selling for decades. There really is nothing more effective to promote something than genuine word of mouth, and that is not something that can be automated by an unfeeling machine.

        So, in that sense, actual human content are a dwindling resource on the Internet right now, and that’s where Lemmy comes in. If we want Lemmy to grow, you should actively contribute your own expertise here(everybody is good at something) instead of arguing pointlessly, so people can think of Lemmy as a place where people help people.

      • Paradox
        29 months ago

        I’m loving how kagi banishes listicles to a single, small, condensed section of the search results

    • 👁️👄👁️
      29 months ago

      Yeah, it really makes human contact more valuable at the end of the day. That was a good point coming from the verified real Margot Robbie!

      • Margot Robbie
        39 months ago

        Academy Award nominated character actress Margot Robbie always make good points!

      129 months ago

      When they actually invent AI. What we have now is just a statistical model. There is no AI. It’s just a buzz word.

        17 months ago

        idk if this is sarcasm, but there’s tons of real players in it’s one of my favorite games to de-stress :)

        You can tell bots from people by observing the snakes. Bots are wiggly and prioritize nearby orbs. ~700 orbs they begin their adventure to the red wall to deposit their orbs. These snakes also have reoccurring names like Popular MMO, The White Rabbit

        Real players will have a more straightened pathing, probably following a sequence of orbs if they’re not dashing and making it obvious. They also aren’t programmed to kill themselves, so any snake above 1k that isn’t moving straight to the wall is a real player.

        Pro MLG players will be zooming to one of the many clusters on the map in the hopes that they can steal orbs from bigger snakes if they aren’t already circling as the big snakes. You’ll likely notice these players as tiny snakes desperately dashing in a straight line.

        You can see the many servers here:

      39 months ago

      Where’s the money in that?

      I guess they could make you think you’re better at competitive games than you thought, but then that still doesn’t guide you to buy anything extra

  • AutoTL;DRB
    59 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Thanks to artificial intelligence, however, IBM was able to sell Mr. Marston’s decades-old sample to websites that are using it to build a synthetic voice that could say anything.

    A.I.-generated books — including a mushroom foraging guide that could lead to mistakes in identifying highly poisonous fungi — are so prevalent on Amazon that the company is asking authors who self-publish on its Kindle platform to also declare if they are using A.I.

    But these commons are now being overgrazed by rapacious tech companies that seek to feed all of the human wisdom, expertise, humor, anecdotes and advice they find in these places into their for-profit A.I.

    Consider, for instance, that the volunteers who build and maintain Wikipedia trusted that their work would be used according to the terms of their site, which requires attribution.

    A Washington Post investigation revealed that OpenAI’s ChatGPT relies on data scraped without consent from hundreds of thousands of websites.

    Whether we are professional actors or we just post pictures on social media, everyone should have the right to meaningful consent on whether we want our online lives fed into the giant A.I.

    The original article contains 1,094 words, the summary contains 188 words. Saved 83%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

    -49 months ago

    ‘everything new is bad and scary’ I really don’t understand why this viewpoint is so common in a tech community.

    AI will solve so many problems with the current internet and make it far easier to use. And there’s no such thing as over grazing Wikipedia, I certainly wrote my small portions of it very aware that it’s going to be used by ai and it’s a great thing, plus they can certainly afford the bandwidth.

    -69 months ago

    Traditional media says thing that displaces them is terrible and scary and should be stopped… we’ve heard it before with the internet, with social media, and right back to TV and radio…

    It will be the greatest discovery tool for human crested content that we’ve ever had. Imagine being able to sort all the junk and actually find what you’re looking for, being able to actually filter stuff and search within context. And imagine not needing a journalist to string together their assumptions and sketchy understanding of science but being able to ask questions and get answers that draw from press releases, released papers, interviews, and public statements.

    Yes it will get harder to use the web like we did ten years ago, but that’s ok because doing that is already rubbish.

      79 months ago

      You’re correct, although it’s not super relevant to the crux of the article.

      Hardin was a white supremacist eugenicist who fabricated pretty much every ounce of support for his theory of “the tragedy of the commons” in an attempt to promote support for reducing the non-white population.

      His work has been thoroughly debunked by Elinor Ostrom, who later won a Nobel Prize for her work on commons.

      Yet the phrase — and myth — persists.