More and more families are choosing to educate their children at home. There are challenges along the way but the rewards of homeschooling far outweigh the obstacles. It is thrilling to watch children make and reach goals and much joy can be found in giving children an opportunity to explore areas that interest them, but the real reward of homeschooling lies in the ability to transmit the faith and traditional values to the next generation.

Helping children set goals and reach them is indeed a very rewarding part of homeschooling. If mothers implement a reward system for goals met they will most likely avoid burnout and keep moving through their children’s lessons at a steady pace.

Some of the things that I reward for in my homeschool are completing the Seton Homeschool’s Summer Reading Challenge and celebrating the passing of each grade level. At the beginning of the summer, each student and I make a list of books using Our Lady of Victory and Seton’s suggested reading list for each grade. The children check off the books as they read them and draw a book cover of the book that they’ve read. My husband and I treat the children who complete their reading list to an ice cream cone at the ice cream stand. As each child completes a school year no matter the time of year, we take that child out just with Mom and Dad for a milkshake. Some of my children move much slower through school, so at times I reward them every time they finish a quarter of school. I make a punch card and when 9 weeks of school lessons are accomplished I take them on their own for an ice cream or a special drink at an espresso stand.

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  • Batman
    11 month ago

    Not sure why you were downvoted. If I had the time and money I’d be homeschooling my kids too. Thanks for the article. (I upvoted your post. Hope it helps)