I’ve subscribed to a plethora of communities that really interest me and actually have posts and discussions in them, but I have to go to the specific community to see this. My “Subscribed” feed only contains a few of the same posts that I’ve seen for weeks in Hot, the same posts from even longer ago in “Active”, posts from the same communities as the ones in “Hot” in New and no other communities, and pretty much only posts from the Meme’s community I unsubscribed from when sorted by “All”. I also see a majority of posts barely have upvotes or comments on them at all from the “bigger” communities. Is this just the growing pains of this site? Am I still doing lemmy wrong? Is it the instance I’ve chosen to join?
I feel your pain! Sorting by Top 6 Hours is my current go to, mostly because I only scroll every few hours or so. Additionally, I start by scrolling through “Home” then transition to “All” if I feel like it. If you use the voyager app, there’s a new function to hide read posts, which could be helpful to you, as well!
That “top 6 hours” tip is great, thanks for sharing