• LucidNightmare@lemm.ee
    7 months ago

    That’s just one issue.

    Let’s take a step further.

    Just in the last few years, here in the US, we have had chemical spills due to deregulation that have polluted our water and our air. This affects not only humans, but the local wildlife in those areas.

    Getting medical help, here in the US, is about as hard pulling your own teeth out without any help. Sure, you may be able to get it done, especially so if you are more well off, but for a great many including myself, trying to get any medical help is just asking yourself to be in debt for what could be, depending on how bad your health is, a lifetime of debt that you will never be able to pay off.

    Education in the US is at an all time low. Thanks to Republicans, we have less and less funding for our public schools. They’ve also got these fools thinking homeschooling is for the best, which means less children in the seats at school, which means even less funding for those that can’t homeschool or can’t afford a private school. In these same schools, they refuse to feed children who are mandated by the government to be there. While there are programs, lots of parents are too embarrassed or flat out refuse to acknowledge that they are poor. This leads to kids going hungry, because the government refuses to pay for their meals, and the parents refuse to sign them up for reduced/free lunch.

    I could add more, I’m sure, but there are a great many many varying reasons why we are fucked. You just have to look around, and stay informed.

    I wish you the best.

      • LucidNightmare@lemm.ee
        7 months ago

        I’m no professional who has spent their entire lives studying these things, so I can not give you a definitive answer. The best I could do is provide you with the information for you to make your own informed deduction, which I have done.

          • LucidNightmare@lemm.ee
            7 months ago

            Good job missing all those points that were right in front of your eyeballs, but you do you homie. I just hope that it comes to fruition for you.

              • LucidNightmare@lemm.ee
                7 months ago

                Live here, in the now. Go see the world. Go do new things. Experience the world while you still can.

                Saving can wait when you know the world will be worth saving for.

                • protist@mander.xyz
                  7 months ago

                  Did you know it’s possible to live your life right now and plan for the future?

                  • LucidNightmare@lemm.ee
                    7 months ago

                    The point I’m trying, and failing, to get across to you is that what future are you planning for? Look around you, and see the evil things that are happening right now, look at the issues I’ve stated, and really absorb them.

                    Let’s take a look at it this way, your way. So, you save up now for later. Okay, got it. Now, that entire time you have been saving up, shit has gotten even worse. Healthcare is worse, education is worse, the ecosystem is worse. It’s literally gotten to the point where people no longer live the way we do right now in this very moment. Mass deaths, mass destruction, and mass extinction of the very things we need to survive. What are you going to do with all of those savings you worked hard for? The world is slowly dying, right now in 2024, so imagine for just 10 minutes what that world is going to look like when you’re old enough to retire. What are you going to spend that money on? Water? Because right now in 2024 there are wars going on over clean drinking water.

                    So, with all of that being presented to you, what are you truly saving up for right now? Can things change? Sure! But then, look at how slowly that progress has been made, and then realize that every step forward, humanity allows itself to slip 5 steps back. As I mentioned earlier, water, air, and wildlife are being polluted at very high rates. And it isn’t slowing down, on the contrary, it seems to be happening faster and faster each year!

                    What do you find saving for right now, worth it in these events I’ve described to you? That’s a VERY real reality that seems to be on course to happen before you can even retire in the first place.