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In 1980, white people accounted for about 80 percent of the U.S. population.

In 2024, white people account for about 58 percent of the U.S. population.

Trump appeals to white people gripped by demographic hysteria. Especially older white people who grew up when white people represented a much larger share of the population. They fear becoming a minority.

While the Census Bureau says there are still 195 million white people in America and that they are still the majority, the white population actually declined slightly in 2023, and experts believe that they will become a minority sometime between 2040 and 2050.

Every component of the Trump-Republican agenda flows from these demographic fears.

The Trump phenomenon and the surge of right-wing extremism in America was never about economic anxiety, as too many political reporters claimed during the 2016 presidential campaign.

It was, and still is, about race and racism.

    7 months ago

    Painting “the others” as killers and destroyers is exactly the sort of rhetoric that racists use to dehumanize minorities. If you want the population at large to believe that we’re better than the racists, then we have to actually be better than them-- not fall into the trap of thinking like they do.

    Sure, some Trump supporters are inherently broken people that you can’t even have a civilized conversation with. No one is denying that. I’m saying that some are just very misguided and although we’re all very tired of dealing with them, writing them off as lost causes is only going to make our current problem bigger.

    Modern psychology can successfully deprogram former cultists; we do not march these people straight into a wood chipper.

      7 months ago

      I understand where you’re coming from, and I do agree in general. Just feels like this should not be a priority right now, especially considering that any deprogramming is extremely more difficult than going nuts in the first place. But then again I don’t think that there is any equivalence when I say that trump cultists are nuts and when they say that all of us other people should be killed.