Is there any library for the queueing mechanism?
What’s used by the most - Cron? But a task or rather script executed by Cron won’t access to the context of an application. Meaning, a task will have be an independent unit. Whereas I want is a library to use inside a project such that it’ll have access to everything.
Anything similar to Sidekiq exist in Rust?
lemmy uses clockwerk i believe, there’s a few out there for rust.
let mut scheduler = Scheduler::with_tz(chrono::Utc); scheduler.every(10.minutes()).plus(30.seconds()).run(|| println!("Periodic task")); scheduler.every("3:20 pm").run(|| println!("Daily task")); scheduler.every(Tuesday).at("14:20:17").and_every(Thursday).at("15:00").run(|| println!("Biweekly task"));
Damn, that a really ingenious and intuitive use of the builder pattern.
Kudos to the devs!
what library is it from?