Donald Trump decided to take time during Rosh Hashanah — the start of the Jewish High Holy days and the celebration of the New Year — to blame “liberal Jews” for voting to destroy America and Israel.

“Just a quick reminder for liberal Jews who voted to destroy America & Israel because you believed in false narratives!,” he wrote on Truth Social on Sunday, presumably referring to the American Jewish support for Joe Biden in the 2020 election. “Let’s hope you learned from your mistake & make better choices moving forward!”

The leading Republican presidential candidate then shared what appeared to be a flyer boasting of Trump’s record on Israel and pro-Jewish causes. “Wake Up Sheep. What Nazi / Anti Semite ever did this for the Jewish people or Israel?” the flyer reads. The flyer goes on to crow about moving the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem (“no other president had the balls to do it”) and endorsing “Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights” and “over settlements in Judea & Samaria” — also known as the West Bank. The flyer also mentions Trump’s signing the “Never Again” Education Bill into law, which funds Holocaust awareness — which was praised by organizations, such as the Anti-Defamation League. “Clearly, one of the Greatest Anti Semites of our time!” the flyer jokes.

Strangely, it neglects Trump’s notorious statement that neo-Nazi marchers in Charlottesville, Virginia were “very fine people.” Or his speech in front of prominent Republican Jews, telling them that they were manipulative money-grubbers. Or his dinner with Kanye West after the rapper tweeted that he was “going death con3 on JEWISH people.”

The time in between Rosh Hoshanah and Yom Kippur, the day of atonement, is when Jews are supposed to ask for forgiveness from those they may have hurt. Trump used this faithful, soul-searching time to make it about himself.

It’s unlikely to have much impact; American Jews have traditionally voted overwhelmingly for Democrats — and 2024 looks to be a continuation of the trend. According to a poll by the Jewish Electoral Institute, which found among 800 Jewish voters, Biden leads Trump by 72 percent.

  • TechyDadOP
    1501 year ago

    By the way, I’m a liberal Jew. Most of what Trump mentioned as “things he did to help Jews” were for Israel. Jews =/= Israel no matter how often the Republicans say “vote for us because we support Israel.”

    Trump could do amazing things for Israel, but that doesn’t matter to me - especially when he cozies up to and encourages Nazis.

      391 year ago

      GOP policy on Israel is used in domestic politics as a tool to pander to Christian evangelicals and fundamentalists who believe it will put the US on the right side of Biblical end times prophecy.

      IOW it’s just batshit and has nothing to do with “helping Jews.” On the contrary, they believe Jews will ultimately mass convert to Christianity when Jesus flies back on a white horse while shooting swords out of his mouth.

      • shuzuko
        1 year ago

        Please, he’d obviously be shooting M4 Carbines from his mouth, not swords. And you forgot to mention how his totally-not-middle-eastern definitely-white skin would gleam in the sun, while his I-swear-it’s-natural blond hair flies defiantly behind him and his definitely-indistinguishably bright blue eyes shoot holy lasers at the heathens.

    • Flying Squid
      201 year ago

      And I am so tired of having to justify being a Jew that doesn’t support Israel. Either against right-wingers who expect me to when I don’t or people who just think all Jews support Israel, which I don’t. I’m not an Israeli, I’m an American. If you want to talk to me about my culpability as an American citizen, let’s talk about it. But don’t associate me with Israel just because I’m a Jew.

        1 year ago

        What do you mean you don’t support a right wing militant theocracy? What do you mean you don’t support invading the west bank and displacing people who were there thousands of years before you started moving in? What do you mean you don’t support apartheid? What do you mean you don’t support imprisoning two million people in gaza, an open air prison critically lacking water, electricity, medicine, and any opportunity whatsover, in an area the size of Washington DC? You must be a self loathing jew. /s

      91 year ago

      By the way, I’m a liberal Jew.

      The real question here is why are you turning Ukrainian solders gay instead of using your space lasers to burn down Russia

    1 year ago

    Signing the Never Again Bill into law

    Oh GOOD. You did so much to help us by reminding people the only fucking thing they know about us is the fucking Holocaust. Not any of our culture achievements, food influences, language influencea or anything else. Just the time we were fucking genocided. Eat a dick you fat fuck

      171 year ago

      Christian here, but I’ve gotta hand it to you guys: You have fantastic food and music (and seriously know how to party, from what I’ve heard). I wouldn’t want to live anywhere that didn’t have the yumminess you brought to the literal table. Beyond that, your traditions surrounding mourning are really beautiful. I love that you prioritize taking the time to sit with the loss of your loved one and really give it the weight it deserves. The continual building of resting places is another one - what a great way to honor those who have passed before us!

      L’shana tova, friend! I hope you have a great 5784. :)

        31 year ago

        Thank you so much. It gets to be such a thing that the first (and often only) thing people ever mention is the Holocaust. It’s a horrific tragedy but it also doesn’t define us as a people.

        We’re so much more than that but asking the average layman you’d think Jews were slaves then genocide 2000+ years later.

      1 year ago

      Speaking from the the Collective of queer identities, Republican Nazis ain’t great at recognizing how boring their culture would be without the creative and cultural contributions of the people they hate.

    731 year ago

    Yeahhhhh this is a nazi dog whistle in a nutshell. I mean Trump is pretty much one big nazi dog whistle. My heart goes out to all the Jewish communities who have to deal with this nazi bullshit yet again.

    • Flying Squid
      321 year ago

      I’m a completely secular Jew. Never go to services, don’t participate in Jewish holidays and am an atheist. And I’ve been terrified since Charlottesville because these people don’t care about anything but my “Jewish blood.”

        • Flying Squid
          111 year ago

          Racist dipshits didn’t get together en masse and chant “Jews will not replace us” over and over again before Charlottesville and there wasn’t a president who said he loved them.

          But sure, you get to decide what scares me.

            • Flying Squid
              91 year ago

              Pardon me, he said they were “good people.” The “good people on both sides” thing. Don’t tell me you don’t remember that.

                  41 year ago

                  Good people don’t march in step with nazis on either side of them. Full stop.

                  If I went to a fucking carebear peace rally and saw a group of nazis with a bunch of carebear paraphernalia getting ready to march with me, I would be making some serious life assessment about the shit I was supporting at that point.

                  Or, as said before… “If you see 5 people happily eating dinner with a nazi, you’re actually looking at 6 nazis.”

                • Flying Squid
                  21 year ago

                  Feel free to show the context. Because no, I do not remember that context in the speech he gave.

          21 year ago

          They did but I don’t think America has ever had a president so outwardly supportive of nazis in the way that Trump is. The holocaust started with events similar to what went down at this particular rally. It was very much a sign of shit escalating. Now you have people waving nazi flags to protest Disney, so it’s fair to say shit has indeed escalated.

    • Chozo
      231 year ago

      It’s not even a dog whistle. This is a full-on bullhorn.

    1 year ago

    Seven years ago I thought people branding Trump a Nazi were being melodramatic. But now I feel like I owe every leftist an apology.

    He’s going full Kanye with the Jew hate…

      61 year ago

      I was going on some interviews during the 2016 election. One of them had the news on and they were talking about something Trump said. I remember remarking that every time something like that comes up, I assume they must be exaggerating, but each time it’s exactly what he said and meant.

      I definitely thought it was safe to say that at the time because there was no way that Trump would be elected.

        1 year ago

        I firstly presumed he said outlandish shit to rile up a Republican audience and was going to pivot against Hillary. He polled heavily in the primaries because of the outrageous and xenophobic crap he spouted and the free publicity that the press gave him. Other candidates in the primaries like DeSantis have taken note.

        Charlie from Charisma on Command did a whole video on why he thought Trump would smash Hillary, to the point of placing a $1,000 bet on him winning at the bookies.

        He’s probably swimming in cash from that bet now

    441 year ago

    Racist piece of shit says racist things to a bunch of racist pieces of shit on a piece of shit racist social network.

    Big fucking surprise there.

  • faceless
    401 year ago

    this shit ain’t even a dogwistle is a fuckin megaphone

    291 year ago

    Why do americans support israel so much, especially blindly/ignoring any problems? they don’t have any historical relation to it right?

      • Hank
        41 year ago

        Could an argument be made that it’s nice to have a militaristic presence where a lot of oil is?

          1 year ago

          Israel has very little oil and hardly any US official presence (apparently a radar installation at Dimona). Turkey directly borders countries with oil resources and the United States maintains a larger military presence there. The United States also had very close ties to Iran pre-‘79, and maintained large bases in Saudi Arabia and Iraq at various points in history.

          Additionally, the United States only swung towards Israel post-‘67 with the money ramping up after the Camp David Accords, so, for me, that doesn’t square with an idea of “we need Israel for oil”.

      151 year ago

      I’ve always thought it’s because they’re not Iran / Muslim. Israel is an important geopolitical ally in a region that is quite hostile to the US generally.

        81 year ago

        Israel is an important geopolitical ally in a region that is quite hostile to the US generally.

        yes, it’d explain why the govt supports it but it seems many americans support it and they are not even jewish

        • TurtleJoe
          151 year ago

          American evangelicals believe that Israel needs to be in Jewish hands in order for the rapture to come about.

          It’s important to remember that these people don’t care about the Jewish people having a homeland or anything like that, they just want to bring about the end of the world.

          11 year ago

          Perhaps because of the persistent and aggressive narrative that if you don’t support Israel you’re an antisemite?

            31 year ago

            Oddly (or maybe not really), a couple of the most critical people I know re: Israel are Jews. It’s always fun when some random Christian tries to tell them they’re antisemitic and then gets owned because they don’t really even know anything about Israel except that conservative politicians say we should support them unquestionably.

    • shuzuko
      41 year ago

      A couple of other posters have touched on it, but it largely comes down to religious bullshit. American evangelicals strongly believe in the end times prophecy, and Jerusalem being in the hands of the Jewish people is a major factor. Beyond that, the bible states that god gave Jerusalem to the Jewish people in perpetuity, and so anything that preserves “god’s will” in that respect must therefore be Good.

      Here’s a WaPo article from about 5 years ago that digs into it, with a related poll, for more information. There are others, this was just the first I easily found:

    271 year ago

    It’s rich that Trump thinks stances favorable towards Israel should buy him good will with the American Jewish population. If anything those stances are for people already in his base like Evangelicals and fascists. And his assumptions are just further telling on his racism if it wasn’t made abundantly clear by the rest of the post or his previous actions.

  • Grant_M
    211 year ago

    Trump is a follower of the teachings of Adolf Hitler.

    201 year ago

    Oh yeah, that’s how you win hearts and minds, Trump. Criticize the decision making ability of AN ENTIRE RELIGION. ON THEIR HIGH HOLIDAY.

      51 year ago

      It’s called a dogwhistle

      And also he’s testing the antisemitism waters becuase he wants nothing more in life that to be “treated like hitler”. He isn’t smart enough to figure out a NEW way to rally morons together, so he’s doing someone else’s way.

    • TechyDadOP
      151 year ago

      As a Jew, I already know his supporters’ views on Jews. It varies from “they need to convert to Christianity so that Jesus can return” to “they’re secretly running the world and need to be killed.” (The latter are quite overt when they fly the Nazi flag around, but will sometimes talk in dog whistle terms and say they just want to go after “(((globalists)))”.)

        1 year ago

        Next up ask them if they can point out the differences between Christianity and Judaism even, or the similarities lmao not to mention scripture

    121 year ago

    So, the people who kept defending his “very fine people” comment: You knew better then, and you had to know he was gonna do this sooner or later.

      41 year ago

      Sooner or later, lol… this isn’t even as egregious as the last time he did it:

      No President has done more for Israel than I have. Somewhat surprisingly, however, our wonderful Evangelicals are far more appreciative of this than the people of the Jewish faith, especially those living in the U.S. Those living in Israel, though, are a different story - Highest approval rating in the World, could easily be P.M.! U.S. Jews have to get their act together and appreciate what they have in Israel - Before it is too late!

      ~ DJT on Truth Social, October 16, 2022 - emphasis mine.

        1 year ago

        “except the white supremacists, who I disavow completely” finished that for you

        There’s a word for people who knowingly march with nazis: it’s nazis. There were no non-nazis on Trump’s side at that rally. Trump considers nazis to be very fine people.

        Which is why you support him. He validates you.

        71 year ago

        You don’t have ro support a country to not be racist against a group of people. There is no country in the world I’d say did nothing wrong, and many have terrible governments. I don’t hate any race or people as a group, as many of the terrible governments (well, probably all rather than simply many) abuse their own people, and many of the people have no choice in living there.

        Also, nice “I have a black friend” defense. He could have said just liberals, and not specifically jews on a Jewish event (or at all really). That’s where his antisemitism lies. Many white supremacists and racists are OK with someone they generally hate the most of if that person is on their side and playing the same games they do.

          1 year ago

          You don’t have ro support a country to not be racist against a group of people

          Israel is the ancestral land of the Jews, its government is Jewish, its people are Jewish. If you don’t support Israel, you are an anti-Semite. Stop equivocating.

          He could have said just liberals, and not specifically jews on a Jewish event

          Is it anti-Christian to say “conservative Christians who don’t support welfare are destroying this country”? Answer: no.

          Trump is the most pro-Jew president in US history. His daughter is literally Jewish.

          I have a black friend defense REEE

          Okay, two can play at that game: all the Jews Trump are talking about are actually fake Jews playing the anti-Semitism game like you’re suggesting his literal daughter, her husband, and half of his staff is. They’re being weaponized to attack Trump because he supports Israel.

            1 year ago

            Israel is the ancestral land of the Jews, its government is Jewish, its people are Jewish. If you don’t support Israel, you are an anti-Semite. Stop equivocating.

            Hey, Jew here. You’re wrong. Yom Kippur is on Monday, please consider asking God for forgiveness for this awful, ignorant comment.

            1 year ago

            Israel is the ancestral land of the Jews, its government is Jewish, its people are Jewish. If you don’t support Israel, you are an anti-Semite. Stop equivocating.

            Where do the atrocities against the population who lived there first factor into your analysis? Not at all?

            Is it anti-Christian to say “conservative Christians who don’t support welfare are destroying this country”? Answer: no.

            And yet you don’t see the double standard you’re applying here. You’re literally an “anti-Semite” if you don’t support an apartheid government, but it’s fine to criticize theocratic Christians? Why can one group abuse power but not the other?

            all the Jews Trump are talking about are actually fake Jews

            and that’s not “anti-Semitic”?

            His daughter is married to a Jew.

            Are you talking about Jared Kushner?

            You want the simple explanation here? He wants to ride the fence. He wants to court Nazis, racists, theocrats, fanatics, and he wants to pull in minority votes and get as much support as possible. That’s what it’s about. That’s how you explain the contradiction, between him constantly spouting thinly veiled racist rhetoric and him saying he’s the best friend in world history to every minority who’s ever dealt with oppression. He will say literally anything, because he wants power, and after what happened last time he wants to stay out of prison too. He will do whatever it takes to do that, including inventing an entirely fake version of reality based upon a myth of himself as a savior figure.

            Not looking for an argument whatsoever, not trying to put you down, get your head out of the echo chamber it’s in, go find dissenting viewpoints, point by point, from all the stuff you believe now, because you are sooooooo far down the rabbit hole, you sound completely insane to anyone who knows better. I’m not kidding here, back up, take some time away from this and get your grip on reality back.

          • Israel is the ancestral land of the Jews, its government is Jewish, its people are Jewish. If you don’t support Israel, you are an anti-Semite.

            And if you support Germany, you’re pro-Holocaust and anti-French/Polish/British/American.


  • ainokea
    121 year ago

    I look forward to the day this twat doesn’t show up on my feed. Also, is it just me or does it look like he’s had plastic surgery and looks like an orange Garry Shandling with hair plugs?