This is a big moment for me everybody. I have been kicked off of reddit almost instantly due to the spell, but I’ve been forced to wander the fediverse for a long time since my CCP handlers normally don’t allow me to stop posting. However, I found a cure while mindlessly scrolling through the front page.
I’m making this very quick post to thank all of you before the Great Fire Wall swoops in to prevent me from reading the spell in full, allowing me to realize my inner liberal self and deprogram from the Chinese propaganda.
As a thanks, I will reveal the real COVID agend
I’m assuming we have answers to all those events listed. Also, what’s with the mixture of Chinese and English? Are they each separate events or are they in the original Chinese first and then translated, because I never understood why it’s formatted like that.
pretty sure the English is mixed in to let the Anglo posters feel smug and better about themselves, which is the general purpose of the meme itself
The target isn’t really Chinese citizens or “Wumaos” but other English-speaking, terminally online libs/fash
A lot of OP’s pasta is Chinese first and identical English second, but there are clear departures from this, such as the initial “动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet”
Note that Tibet does not occur in the Chinese there at all.