I just got my printer, got it all set up, followed all the instructions, and it looks like it should be working, but it’s not.

I’ve gone through the auto bed leveling, then adjusted the height with a piece of paper. Now, trying to run my first test print, the only thing the printer will do is attempt to auto-level itself. If I let it go, it will just do it over and over. If I hit the stop button, it gives me error message 203 (Probing Failed), the screen locks up, and the printer keeps attempting to auto-level over and over. The only thing I can do is turn it off.

What am I missing?

Edit: So it turns out the included test files are no good. I downloaded a benchy and it printed just fine.

  • LengAwaits@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    When I first got my Ender 3 S1 Plus (same motherboard AFAIK), it would similarly freeze during the ABL. In my case, the issue was that I’d actually leveled the bed too low, and the machine was freaking out because it had to pass the software Z limit to home the printer. I loosened all the bed screws (raised the bed) by as many full turns as it took to have the bed’s screws just barely fully through the adjustment knobs, then releveled, reran the ABL routine, and finally all worked without a crash. This may or may not be your problem.

    In any case, I do recommend checking to make sure you’re on the latest official factory firmware version, and if not update it with the latest firmware from here. The instructions are there, too.

    Ultimately I got it working, but I ended up moving away from the janky stock firmware and putting Klipper on it instead after a few weeks.