Because they’re fucking awesome and people tend to love em’
May as well ask why sugar and fat are so popular in food
Because they’re fucking awesome and people tend to love em’
May as well ask why porn and cat videos are so popular online
Because they’re fucking awesome and people tend to love em’
Might as well ask why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch
Because it’s GRRRRRRREAT!
There’s truth to this. I recall an old saying, went something like “Chicks dig giant robots.”
The first Armored Core in a decade comes out and it got someone asking existential questions?
Feh! Just play Armored Core, it’s great!
Because mech has rigid body and gamedev likes controlling rigid body
I personally prefer big, clunky, stompy mechs (ala mechwarrior) over the super nimble ones (Armored Core, Gundam), but they’re all great nonetheless.
Because human combatants means blood and gore and censorship or brutality.
Robots allow extreme violence, without the moral issues.
Because they increase the scale of combat to allow for michael bay like moments without having to write a character with nuclear weapon power levels
sexual perversion i assume