On related news, their standards are pretty low, as a whooping 45% of Millenial and GenZ woman women would drop as low as having a partner that listens to “The Joe Rogan Experience”.
On related news, their standards are pretty low, as a whooping 45% of Millenial and GenZ woman women would drop as low as having a partner ONCE that listens to “The Joe Rogan Experience”.
I made it more clear.
You know, some just don’t know what that potentially means, but the number who would be willing to do this again (after the definitve breakup or breakdown, which ever comes first) is way, way, way lower.
Yeah and? That doesn’t erase the fact that he had really interesting guests, in fact I love that aliens/DMT phase, even if the rest is straight up garbage.
There is no more nuance on the world? Are we are now living in a black and white world?
He doesn’t platform Nazis. Unless you think somebody like Ben Shapiro is a Nazi, which in case you’re an idiot, he doesn’t do such a thing. Even if he did, then so what? He has all sorts of people on his show from Bernie Sanders to Bob Lazar to Elon Musk to Neil deGrasse Tyson to Mike Tyson. His incredibly wide range of guests is what makes his show interesting.
You like using the word “nazi” too much there bud. I think you mean’t to say “There are plenty of other podcasts with great episodes that don’t platform people I was programmed to hate and want cancelled.”
Alex Jones is a white supremacist. He has had Jones on the podcasts, ergo platforming him. Therefore “Rogan platforms Nazis” is, pretty much, a true statement.
And no, I’m not programmed to dislike Jones, I’ve come to that opinion after listening to his unedited show for years. He uses the terminology, rhetoric, and arguments found in white supremacy talking points. Jones isn’t going to out right say “I’m a Nazi” or etc. (unlike Kayne – who he suspiciously didn’t boot immediately alongside Nick Fuentes when they explicitly say that), because it’s the third rail you can’t touch and be a propagandist for the masses. Which is his aim.
Alex Jones is a complete nut, nobody is arguing otherwise. However, he is not a Nazi. He’s not a racial supremacist like Richard Spencer or David Duke. Not every conspiracy theory lunatic is a Nazi.
Alex Jones is a white supremacist. He has had Jones on the podcasts, ergo platforming him. Therefore “Rogan platforms Nazis” is, pretty much, a true statement.
Alex Jones is a nutjob, not a nazi. So claiming “Rogan platforms nazis” is completely false.
And no, I’m not programmed to dislike Jones
Chill out dude. If you listened to JRE hours upon end and think Joe Rogan is an nazi soapbox, there is something wrong with you man. For one, why do you tune into to JRE if hes sooooo evil and gives meanies a platform? And second I am calling BS that you listen to JRE for hours. If you do not like Joe Rogan, you will not consume his content, especially hours of it.
I didn’t say I listened to Joe Rogan for hours — I said I listened to Alex Jones for a considerable amount of time. I only gave a counter example to show that Joe Rogan does, in fact, platform Nazis. To do that I only need to show one example where he does. And it’s one white supremacist I’m familiar with.
To my knowledge, being a nut-job doesn’t preclude somone from being a white supremacist. If they’re propagandizing white supremacists talking points to a large audience, even if “mad”, they’re still a fucking white supremacist. Honestly, the cogent ones are more scary. But, If they’re talking about the ‘fall of the western civilization’, the threat of the ‘globalists’, or aping rhetoric from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion: they’re a white supremacist. Which Alex spins into current events around a narrative to have people believe the world is ending in a month or so just in time before the lovely ad pivot. Again, it’s not something he’ll directly say, but its something that gets picked up over time after listening to him for way too long. A through line, of sorts, as he dons and shifts positions, or the conspiracy ‘flavor of the week,’ as he picks up whatever narrative he finds helpful so he can continue to doomsay.
I will say Jones has some sort of illness, but I don’t know the exactly where it ends and his act that enriched him begins. For example, 2008-2012 era Jones hits differently than 2016 onward.
I’d be more than happy to pick out audio clips where he does precisely this, if you want. However that will take me a bit cause I don’t have a perfect recollection of all the vile shit he’s said. There’s always the Knowledge Fight podcast, where they debunk the idiot, but that’s your call. They, weirdly enough, were expert witnesses at Jone’s Sandyhook civil trial.
Edit: A good day Knowledge Fight covers of Alex’s show is episode 796: February 4, 2004. Start at 11:07 to avoid the podcaster bloat. It’s a case where everyone who is a guest just so happens to be Nazis. Of course, there are many of other days like this, of course.
Man, you need to get a different hobby. Spending time thinking some nutjob snake oil salesman is nazi because he dabbles in conspiracies. The fact you just admit you watched a lot of Alex Jones tells me your as crazy as any Alex Jones fanboy.
Honestly, there are like no nazi left out there except for a dozen trailer park bikers and a few weird teenagers. WWII came to an end almost 80 years ago. The “Nazi empire” got destroyed by the west and the Soviet Union. I know you lefties like to think there is a nazi around every corner and rock, but I cannot take you seriously with your over the top opinion.
It is safe to assume that you think 30% - 60% of the population are nazis because they like watching and following so and so online that had connections or a talk with so and so that has been labelled a nazi by your prophets.
Well, no, my grandmother had conspiratorial thought, and once she passed, while Jones wasn’t super popular (or influential) and at the time he was amusing and harmless, he made me nostalgically think of her. So I kept it on in the back ground. As I became an adult I shifted to less time consuming way to interact with his content as I questioned the ethics of watching his content directly. Dood was a fun crazy back in the day. Now, yikes.
As a Floridian, I have seen straight up swastika tattoos and SS lightning bolts on necks. The white supremacist movement did adopt Nazi iconography a few decades ago. They aren’t literally nazis, but are people who are pushing Ur-giest adjacent philosophy alongside the same sources and arguments. And – no – I don’t see them around every corner because they’re in the super minority, but thoughts like Great-Replacment theory are becoming increasingly mainstream. You’re putting thoughts in my head in lieu of making an argument and inventing an “argument”, imagine I think that, and are attacking it instead. Where did I claim there were Nazis around every corner? I claimed there exists at least one supremacist and they appeared on Joe’s show.
Look, you’re shifting away from a fairly straight forward argument the Joe had a white supremacist on his podcast. I gave you a digestible source to discover that claim and cite their sources in a verifiable way. Jones doesn’t just dabble in conspiracy, he purposefully has vocal white supremacists on his show regularly, doesn’t address it, and pushes his audience to their spaces while dog-whistling white supremacist arguments. See Feuntes appearing on his show. I know this because I watched his show for years
He was the electrician in the 90s sitcom NewsRadio. Then he told people to eat weird stuff for a while. Now he’s just super into drugs and platforming right-wing nutjobs as far as I can tell.
I don’t go out of my way to listen to him, but some of his episodes with people like Neil Degrasse Tyson and Brian Cox come up in my YouTube feeds. As long as Rogan isn’t talking then they’re ok.
And that is exactly the problem. He did some episodes with reputable media figures/science communicators, so it seems to a naive listener, like these are just regular interviews. And then he has a bunch of weirdos that just spout conspiracies, bullshit and hate, but since it’s in the exact same style as the interviews with reputable people, a naive listener might assume that the conspiracy nut is as trustworthy as all the other people. And that’s dangerous.
The appeal of his show is that he has a wide range of guests who are all willing to sit down and have a fun conversation. His podcast isn’t NPR, and he has no reason to exclusively seek out “reputable” people. He said many times that he hosts people who he thinks are interesting enough to have a conversation with. Besides nobody in their right mind thinks that Bob Lazar is as reputable as Neil deGrasse Tyson or Alex Jones is as reputable as Jon Stewart. The naive listener that you’re talking about doesn’t exist anywhere but in your head.
Rogan’s audience are primarily young men. They have no idea, who Lazar is, not because they’re stupid, but because they are young and Lazar simply does not exist in their world - because he’s fringe. But since Rogan does not object even the most outrageous arguments, for someone who knows nothing about a field, this can seem pretty plausible - that guy’s an expert after all.
He said many times that he hosts people who he thinks are interesting enough to have a conversation with.
… and then takes every of their arguments at face value. If he’d be even a tiny bit of a journalist, he would ask actual questions and maybe even contextualize some of their arguments. He treats even the most obscure, deranged ufologist just like a proper astrophysicst. And that is what adults call false balance.
He legitimizes dangerous people, his stupidity is not a persona - he is actually stupid. That’s extremely problematic.
As a contrast: In Germany there’s a podcast called Jung&Naiv (young & naive), where the host plays a naive young person and asks naive, seemingly stupid questions, and he has a pretty wide range of guests. But in actuality he is not stupid and unprepared, but highly intelligent and actually really really well prepared - he managed to force the ukrainian ambassador to be recalled for not being willing to admit that a ukranian nazi in WW2 was, in fact, a nazi.
But since Rogan does not object even the most outrageous arguments, for someone who knows nothing about a field, this can seem pretty plausible - that guy’s an expert after all.
Somehow I highly, highly doubt that your average typical 20 year old is going to seriously think that a guy talking about spooky aliens in area 51 is an expert, let alone accept what they say as true. Even in the extremely rare off chance that somebody does believe someone like Bob Lazar, they’re literally a 10 second Google search from figuring out that he’s a nut. Again, the premises that you give don’t exist anywhere but in your mind. If you can figure out that Bob Lazar is a nut and I can figure out he’s a not, then so can anybody else.
… and then takes every of their arguments at face value. If he’d be even a tiny bit of a journalist, he would ask actual questions and maybe even contextualize some of their arguments.
He’s not a journalist… I’m not sure why you’re having difficulty grasping this. His podcast is not about fact checking his guests or grilling them with hard questions or making them uncomfortable. His podcast is literally about having interesting conversations with interesting people. Like normal, lighthearted, organic conversations.
He legitimizes dangerous people, his stupidity is not a persona - he is actually stupid. That’s extremely problematic.
No he doesn’t. I’m sure you listen to a few podcasts and watch a few TV talks shows, do you legitimize every guest that comes on them? If you don’t then it’s the same for others, and if you do really legitimize every person you see on the shows you consume then your statement applies more to you than to him.
As a contrast: In Germany there’s a podcast called Jung&Naiv (young & naive)
Again, Joe Rogan’s podcast is not meant to be political or journalistic or anything of that nature. It’s meant to be interesting and entertaining. You can’t compare it to some political podcast in Germany because they’re not even the same thing. It’s like questioning why Family Guy isn’t like Painting with Bob Ross. Like yes, they’re both podcasts, but they do completely different things, serve different audiences, and have different intentions behind them.
That’s why his podcast is as popular as it is. He’s a very good conversationalist, he knows how to navigate through a conversation while letting the guests do most of the talking.
The people who hate Joe Rogan are almost always tankies who never listened to his podcast, ever. They just get their information about him from their heavily vetted and propagandized echo chamber. If you actually ever listened to him, you would know that he’s just a good conversationalist who talks with wide range of guests. This reminds me of when tankies convinced themselves that PewDiePie was neo Nazi for some reason back in 2018
On related news, their standards are pretty low, as a whooping 45% of Millenial and GenZ
womanwomen would drop as low as having a partner that listens to “The Joe Rogan Experience”.I made it more clear.
You know, some just don’t know what that potentially means, but the number who would be willing to do this again (after the definitve breakup or breakdown, which ever comes first) is way, way, way lower.
Hey he has some good old episodes, I listen to them when I need white noise
There are plenty of other podcasts with great episodes that don’t platform Nazis.
Yeah and? That doesn’t erase the fact that he had really interesting guests, in fact I love that aliens/DMT phase, even if the rest is straight up garbage.
There is no more nuance on the world? Are we are now living in a black and white world?
the “alien/DMT phase” was literally the conspiracy and Alt-right pipeline
When the nazis start marching, no, there’s no room for nuance. You squash them, grind them to dust, and do the same for all their supporters.
Are the nazis with us in the room right now?
Hahahahahaha so tough, Nazis are running at this instant at your virtual threat.
Where are these nazis… Im living the same as i always have… Not really seeing any burning crosses around 🤔
He doesn’t platform Nazis. Unless you think somebody like Ben Shapiro is a Nazi, which in case you’re an idiot, he doesn’t do such a thing. Even if he did, then so what? He has all sorts of people on his show from Bernie Sanders to Bob Lazar to Elon Musk to Neil deGrasse Tyson to Mike Tyson. His incredibly wide range of guests is what makes his show interesting.
You like using the word “nazi” too much there bud. I think you mean’t to say “There are plenty of other podcasts with great episodes that don’t platform people I was programmed to hate and want cancelled.”
Alex Jones is a white supremacist. He has had Jones on the podcasts, ergo platforming him. Therefore “Rogan platforms Nazis” is, pretty much, a true statement.
And no, I’m not programmed to dislike Jones, I’ve come to that opinion after listening to his unedited show for years. He uses the terminology, rhetoric, and arguments found in white supremacy talking points. Jones isn’t going to out right say “I’m a Nazi” or etc. (unlike Kayne – who he suspiciously didn’t boot immediately alongside Nick Fuentes when they explicitly say that), because it’s the third rail you can’t touch and be a propagandist for the masses. Which is his aim.
Alex Jones is a complete nut, nobody is arguing otherwise. However, he is not a Nazi. He’s not a racial supremacist like Richard Spencer or David Duke. Not every conspiracy theory lunatic is a Nazi.
Alex Jones is a nutjob, not a nazi. So claiming “Rogan platforms nazis” is completely false.
Chill out dude. If you listened to JRE hours upon end and think Joe Rogan is an nazi soapbox, there is something wrong with you man. For one, why do you tune into to JRE if hes sooooo evil and gives meanies a platform? And second I am calling BS that you listen to JRE for hours. If you do not like Joe Rogan, you will not consume his content, especially hours of it.
I didn’t say I listened to Joe Rogan for hours — I said I listened to Alex Jones for a considerable amount of time. I only gave a counter example to show that Joe Rogan does, in fact, platform Nazis. To do that I only need to show one example where he does. And it’s one white supremacist I’m familiar with.
To my knowledge, being a nut-job doesn’t preclude somone from being a white supremacist. If they’re propagandizing white supremacists talking points to a large audience, even if “mad”, they’re still a fucking white supremacist. Honestly, the cogent ones are more scary. But, If they’re talking about the ‘fall of the western civilization’, the threat of the ‘globalists’, or aping rhetoric from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion: they’re a white supremacist. Which Alex spins into current events around a narrative to have people believe the world is ending in a month or so just in time before the lovely ad pivot. Again, it’s not something he’ll directly say, but its something that gets picked up over time after listening to him for way too long. A through line, of sorts, as he dons and shifts positions, or the conspiracy ‘flavor of the week,’ as he picks up whatever narrative he finds helpful so he can continue to doomsay.
I will say Jones has some sort of illness, but I don’t know the exactly where it ends and his act that enriched him begins. For example, 2008-2012 era Jones hits differently than 2016 onward.
I’d be more than happy to pick out audio clips where he does precisely this, if you want. However that will take me a bit cause I don’t have a perfect recollection of all the vile shit he’s said. There’s always the Knowledge Fight podcast, where they debunk the idiot, but that’s your call. They, weirdly enough, were expert witnesses at Jone’s Sandyhook civil trial.
Edit: A good day Knowledge Fight covers of Alex’s show is episode 796: February 4, 2004. Start at 11:07 to avoid the podcaster bloat. It’s a case where everyone who is a guest just so happens to be Nazis. Of course, there are many of other days like this, of course.
Man, you need to get a different hobby. Spending time thinking some nutjob snake oil salesman is nazi because he dabbles in conspiracies. The fact you just admit you watched a lot of Alex Jones tells me your as crazy as any Alex Jones fanboy.
Honestly, there are like no nazi left out there except for a dozen trailer park bikers and a few weird teenagers. WWII came to an end almost 80 years ago. The “Nazi empire” got destroyed by the west and the Soviet Union. I know you lefties like to think there is a nazi around every corner and rock, but I cannot take you seriously with your over the top opinion.
It is safe to assume that you think 30% - 60% of the population are nazis because they like watching and following so and so online that had connections or a talk with so and so that has been labelled a nazi by your prophets.
Well, no, my grandmother had conspiratorial thought, and once she passed, while Jones wasn’t super popular (or influential) and at the time he was amusing and harmless, he made me nostalgically think of her. So I kept it on in the back ground. As I became an adult I shifted to less time consuming way to interact with his content as I questioned the ethics of watching his content directly. Dood was a fun crazy back in the day. Now, yikes.
As a Floridian, I have seen straight up swastika tattoos and SS lightning bolts on necks. The white supremacist movement did adopt Nazi iconography a few decades ago. They aren’t literally nazis, but are people who are pushing Ur-giest adjacent philosophy alongside the same sources and arguments. And – no – I don’t see them around every corner because they’re in the super minority, but thoughts like Great-Replacment theory are becoming increasingly mainstream. You’re putting thoughts in my head in lieu of making an argument and inventing an “argument”, imagine I think that, and are attacking it instead. Where did I claim there were Nazis around every corner? I claimed there exists at least one supremacist and they appeared on Joe’s show.
Look, you’re shifting away from a fairly straight forward argument the Joe had a white supremacist on his podcast. I gave you a digestible source to discover that claim and cite their sources in a verifiable way. Jones doesn’t just dabble in conspiracy, he purposefully has vocal white supremacists on his show regularly, doesn’t address it, and pushes his audience to their spaces while dog-whistling white supremacist arguments. See Feuntes appearing on his show. I know this because I watched his show for years
I have to confess that I don’t really know who Joe Rogan is, sorry.
He was the electrician in the 90s sitcom NewsRadio. Then he told people to eat weird stuff for a while. Now he’s just super into drugs and platforming right-wing nutjobs as far as I can tell.
But NewsRadio was pretty great.
OK. Never heard of NewsRadio. Sorry.
So as far as I’m concerned, he’s yet another Internet lunatic with a following of cretins peddling the usual (I suppose)…
I sometimes wonder what the hippies would have made of the Internet. Would they have spread love through the fibre?
A lot of hippies are now into Q-anon and shit. It’s really sad.
There’s still plenty of people who were hippies in the 60s around and on the internet today… No need to wonder… Find one and ask them.
bro jogan?
I don’t know how to put this, maybe it’s just me, I know that nowadays it seems weird…
But if a link is a video, I just close it.
If it’s text, I can parse it and get a feel for it because I’ve spent a lifetime browsing text.
You can’t browse video.
You can’t search video.
You can’t have an overview of video.
Video plain sucks for almost everything.
Video is great for monetization.
Unless you can’t read. Videos suck.
I can read.
Sorry about the rant. I’m really pissed off about the video everywhere trend. So, anyway, I don’t watch videos.
A simple ‘wrong’ would’ve done just fine…
I’m not going to reply with videos, you sicko.
You right now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCMxnS1438g
I don’t go out of my way to listen to him, but some of his episodes with people like Neil Degrasse Tyson and Brian Cox come up in my YouTube feeds. As long as Rogan isn’t talking then they’re ok.
And that is exactly the problem. He did some episodes with reputable media figures/science communicators, so it seems to a naive listener, like these are just regular interviews. And then he has a bunch of weirdos that just spout conspiracies, bullshit and hate, but since it’s in the exact same style as the interviews with reputable people, a naive listener might assume that the conspiracy nut is as trustworthy as all the other people. And that’s dangerous.
The appeal of his show is that he has a wide range of guests who are all willing to sit down and have a fun conversation. His podcast isn’t NPR, and he has no reason to exclusively seek out “reputable” people. He said many times that he hosts people who he thinks are interesting enough to have a conversation with. Besides nobody in their right mind thinks that Bob Lazar is as reputable as Neil deGrasse Tyson or Alex Jones is as reputable as Jon Stewart. The naive listener that you’re talking about doesn’t exist anywhere but in your head.
Sorry, but this is utter garbage.
Rogan’s audience are primarily young men. They have no idea, who Lazar is, not because they’re stupid, but because they are young and Lazar simply does not exist in their world - because he’s fringe. But since Rogan does not object even the most outrageous arguments, for someone who knows nothing about a field, this can seem pretty plausible - that guy’s an expert after all.
… and then takes every of their arguments at face value. If he’d be even a tiny bit of a journalist, he would ask actual questions and maybe even contextualize some of their arguments. He treats even the most obscure, deranged ufologist just like a proper astrophysicst. And that is what adults call false balance.
He legitimizes dangerous people, his stupidity is not a persona - he is actually stupid. That’s extremely problematic.
As a contrast: In Germany there’s a podcast called Jung&Naiv (young & naive), where the host plays a naive young person and asks naive, seemingly stupid questions, and he has a pretty wide range of guests. But in actuality he is not stupid and unprepared, but highly intelligent and actually really really well prepared - he managed to force the ukrainian ambassador to be recalled for not being willing to admit that a ukranian nazi in WW2 was, in fact, a nazi.
Somehow I highly, highly doubt that your average typical 20 year old is going to seriously think that a guy talking about spooky aliens in area 51 is an expert, let alone accept what they say as true. Even in the extremely rare off chance that somebody does believe someone like Bob Lazar, they’re literally a 10 second Google search from figuring out that he’s a nut. Again, the premises that you give don’t exist anywhere but in your mind. If you can figure out that Bob Lazar is a nut and I can figure out he’s a not, then so can anybody else.
He’s not a journalist… I’m not sure why you’re having difficulty grasping this. His podcast is not about fact checking his guests or grilling them with hard questions or making them uncomfortable. His podcast is literally about having interesting conversations with interesting people. Like normal, lighthearted, organic conversations.
No he doesn’t. I’m sure you listen to a few podcasts and watch a few TV talks shows, do you legitimize every guest that comes on them? If you don’t then it’s the same for others, and if you do really legitimize every person you see on the shows you consume then your statement applies more to you than to him.
Again, Joe Rogan’s podcast is not meant to be political or journalistic or anything of that nature. It’s meant to be interesting and entertaining. You can’t compare it to some political podcast in Germany because they’re not even the same thing. It’s like questioning why Family Guy isn’t like Painting with Bob Ross. Like yes, they’re both podcasts, but they do completely different things, serve different audiences, and have different intentions behind them.
That’s why his podcast is as popular as it is. He’s a very good conversationalist, he knows how to navigate through a conversation while letting the guests do most of the talking.
The people who hate Joe Rogan are almost always tankies who never listened to his podcast, ever. They just get their information about him from their heavily vetted and propagandized echo chamber. If you actually ever listened to him, you would know that he’s just a good conversationalist who talks with wide range of guests. This reminds me of when tankies convinced themselves that PewDiePie was neo Nazi for some reason back in 2018
They called pewdiepie a Nazi for wearing an ALLIED officer uniform from WWII. Hahahaha they can’t even discern their nazi iconography