Look at that loser piece of shit holding the swastika. It’s still got all the creases from the chinese bag it was in earlier that day. That pussy of a man was too scared to ever fly it in public before this moment, it’s up to the rest of us to make sure he’s too scared to ever fly it again.
Same with the back confederate one.
I think he’d be fine with a Chinese person forced to stay in China and work in a sweatshop to make propaganda for him. That seems pretty on-brand for a Nazi.
He could also basically be described as ‘low rent/low T Ed Norton from American History X, cosplaying as Ed Norton from Fight Club.’
He looks scared lol. Chicken ass bitch.
He’s also a prime example of a supreme race man.
If supreme race meant looking like that virgin piece of shit goebbels.
Really sad and funny, or pathetic really to be preaching about overlords and untermensch with a receding hairline, non existent jaw line, bad posture and 1,7m height.
It reminds me of this gold https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Wahv7NS329U
They also claim to be the party of Jesus.
The Jesus who said this in the book of Matthew, chapter 19:
21 Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
22 When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth.
23 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”
What a commie.
Of course, these days, Jesus is too much of a lib cuck for them, so they might not be the party of Jesus too much longer.
Seriously, if I were Christian - and I have read enough of the Bible and christian philosophers that I could be if I wasn’t a pretty convinced atheist - I’d genuinely think the evangelicals and a figure like Trump had to be the symbolical Antichrist with how they act and think
You’d be right too.
And that hasn’t been updated since 2020.
Didn’t know that article, but I did make the connections myself when I was re-reading the whole revelation stuff for fun a while back, it is quite funny
You might consider christian atheism to be a compelling philosophical outlook then, basically atheists who’ve rejected the mythos but still agree with the actual values Jesus espoused and the model of behavior other christian figures have lived in example of.
Those specific evangelical americans*
What he meant was that the goal in life is to ensure as many people as possible are poor. Republicans really are doing gods work! 🙏
There’s also Ecclisiasticus 34:18-21 which basically calls the owner class knowing murderers and robbers trying to buy their way out of the consequences whenever they make charity out of their wealth.
Whosoever makes donations out of goods they have gotten immorally, their charity is absurdity; their gifts are a mockery of generosity.
The heavens detest charity given by bloody hands; no amount n’or value given by such serves to appease the highest.
Whosoever takes for giving what little fills the stores of the disfortuned, they do the same as one who kills a child before their parents’ eyes.
The bread of the disfortuned is their lifeblood, and whosoever defrauds the disfortuned of it, their hands run red with that blood, the same as any murderer or brute of different means.
A different transcription of that passage is what turned a conquistador into a Jesuit bishop who would refuse dying rights to landowners who wouldn’t free their indigenous slaves. Dude wasn’t perfect even after his revelation, but he still did a serious 180 when the meaning of that passage sunk in for him.
They are the party of supply side Jesus. https://www.beliefnet.com/news/2003/09/the-gospel-of-supply-side-jesus.aspx
Jesus didn’t even know the Nazis!
Imagine marching alongside Nazi flags and thinking you’re on the right side of history. Confederate is bad enough, but I can accept that they’re delusional enough to not see what’s wrong with it. Nazi? There’s no argument to be made.
“tell me you’re a son of a bitch without saying you’re a son of a bitch”
Tight grouping, zero awareness or object permanence….
Looks like a target rich environment I can defend my property in.
Will nobody rid me of these turbulent fascists?
Not a chin in sight
Please, wear something else other than beige pants
Like an orange jumpsuit?
This just in folks, wearing Khakis makes you a Nazi
I just realized I don’t own a single pair of jeans.
It was nice having you here. But now you gotta head over to xitter and join your new people.
Weren’t the guys in the U-haule all wearing navy blue polos and khakis?
Edit: god damnit
The fact the cops didn’t immediately demask them speaks volumes.
That one guy got a shield.
Looks like it would fold from the pressure of a squirt gun.
I can only imagine how many battles it has served him so far 🥴
I potentially see 2 Gadsden flags. Why do these assholes always seem to think that the Gadsden Flag represents them? I would like to know what their rationale is — if any.
They think it means that if you try to fuck with them, they won’t run away blubbering like a baby. They’re wrong about that.
So, please provide info that the flag doesn’t equate “stance against coercion” = anti fascist?
FYI: I hate Trump, fascist, Confederate apologist, etc…
But, based on the simplistic symbolism of the flag… It could represent a fight against coercion of any ilk.
You’re asking for evidence that the same people who also do things like wear shirts with Punisher logos on them and bumper stickers with a picture of a gun and the words “come ad take it” aren’t trying to tell people not to pick a fight with them or else?
Do you think the Nazi flag might also be a clue?
It could represent a fight against coercion of any ilk.
The Gadsden flag does represent resistance against coercion. That being said, context is still quite important — its appropriate use would heavily depend on why those individuals in the picture saw fit to march with it. The Gadsden flag represents individual liberty, and resistance to authoritative oppression. It doesn’t represent the trampling of the freedoms of others.
Blame the libertarians.
Why? Anyone who stands beside a Nazi flag is not a libertarian by any stretch of the term’s usage. (For clarity, by “stands beside” I mean anyone who advocates its symbolism.)
Part of it is that American libertarianism is a Republican who wants to smoke weed.
As for these specific Nazis, they want the government to stop arresting them when they indulge in their violent hatred of minorities.
They see equality as oppression. Which is also part of the main Republican mindset.
they want the government to stop arresting them when they indulge in their violent hatred of minorities.
Imo, this is opposite of what the Gadsden flag represents. It’s a symbol of the resistance to authoritative oppression. I suppose the logic is that these types use it as a symbol of their resistance to the government preventing them from oppressing others 🤮. I suppose if one were to be absolutely accurate, though, the Gadsden flag isn’t a symbol of libertarianism, but, rather, libertarianism supports the symbolism of the Gadsden flag.
Someone needs to iron their flag. Shit has so many creases. Hang on, I think wiping my ass with it might help. Lemme see that for a minute…
I say burn it. No point in soiling your ass with that flag.
Why the guy has a round shield?
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Also Hitler wouldn’t be proud because it’s a mirrored swastika. The correct flag had to be right angled on both sides!
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I like how they’re especially confused and have don’t tread on me flags. The flag the original (not confederate) colonies flew against the British.
I mean so was the appeal to heaven flag but look how the right’s taken that one too.
It’s interesting how the worst people can never think for themselves, and instead repurpose perfectly fine and good meaning symbols into their own twisted perversion.
Party of Stinkin
Not a Republican, but none of my friends or family who are are anywhere close to nazi. The fringe doesn’t count for the mass majority of the party.
if you sit down to dinner with eight people, and one of them is a nazi, then you’re having dinner with eight nazis
Nine. You/they are still sitting there.
Eight other Nazis since you’re sitting to dinner with them now too.
Unless none of them are actually Nazis. Just because you title someone something doesn’t make it true.
If your family supports Protection 2025 (which is what will happen if Republicans win) they effectively are.
None of my family supports Project 2025, and funny enough, neither does trump. Very tired of all the gaslighting from my own party.
If they don’t support Project 2025, then they really shouldn’t vote for the party whos trying to enact it.
Some people are trying to enact it, not “the party”
Don’t be surprised then when it turns out “Some People” speak for all of the others.
I mean if you ignore the actual photo (spoiler: the one in this post) of Republicans literally carrying Nazi flags…
It’s Nazis carrying a nazi flag. They are the extreme, not the general conservative population
In a two party system, that kind of thinking doesn’t work unless you actually believe that half of the country are nazis. Also anyone who supports Palestine but is planning to vote for Biden has no room for making that kind of argument.
You might have had a point before Project 2025 and SCOTUS legalizing dictatorship to protect the brass bullshitter.
Who did they vote for?
A liberal who saw a way to win through the Republican party?