I posted this on the Linux mint forums a while ago, but no traffic on the post and it’s driving me crazy.
Problem: I can connect the controllers just fine via Bluetooth, but yuzu and dolphin don’t recognize them unless I’ve deleted them from blueman and freshly re-paired them. More details abd system info in the forum post, but this is the gist. Does anybody have any insight? It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Not a Linux user but I had a lot of problems with the sn30 pro plus connecting to bluetooth when I first got it. The issue was something in the controller bios. It’d cause my entire system to spaz out. I had to roll back to the first version to fix it. So maybe try messing around with bios versions if you can to see if that fixes it.
This is certainly an angle worth checking out. Is it easy enough to roll back the firmware?
Very, but you’ll need a windows environment to do it. They only have windows or mac updaters. After that, it’s just plugging it in and picking the version. Looks like there’s only 2 updates, but it’s still worth a shot.