Two very long hairs. Like 2 x 1 ft long.
Bush is a shit President, a mid tier beer, but my preferred garnish for dinner. ;)
Gonna have to go with lasered off. I slept with a girl who had it done and I swear to god it was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen or touched. Smooth, soft, not an ingrown hair or razor bump to be seen, and from what she said basically zero maintenance compared to anything else. I recognize this is a personal preference because I’m not really into any body hair. Honestly thinking about getting it done myself. Nothing like a smooth soft ballsack.
Hair does not belong in the mouth. Hope that helps.
Hottest woman on earth.
Full bush or at least a hairy trim!
not shaved
Everything that is neither full bush nor completely shaved is great.
Either a full bush or a full removal. Landing strips or fancy symbols or whatever I find a bit silly.
Just like that.