• @hakunamafcukit@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Google’s inability to stick with something despite its flaws and working on making it better over time, but instead constantly scrapping and renaming services is why I don’t bother investing in any of their experimental projects. Why should anybody waste their time getting used to something if google is just gonna ditch it after a while.

    • HobbitFoot
      11 year ago

      There never was before. Alphabet’s internal HR metrics heavily weigh creating new products to maintaining new ones. There are a lot of times where the engineers that developed products are no longer on the dev team during launch.

    • @masterspace@lemmy.ca
      11 year ago

      Supposedly the Android team is pretty fiercely firewalled from the rest of Google which is why it’s the only time with products that have any kind of longevity.

    • lemmyvore
      11 year ago

      I’ve always suspected that the reason Google keeps abandoning products is because they’re actually in it for the data. They’re not out to make a good RSS feed reader or a good music service, they’re interested in how people use feed readers or how people use music. Once they sucked all the data they wanted out of it they trash it.

      There’s also data sources which they’ve never abandoned, like watching people’s location (baked into Android and Maps), or email, or photos, or files (Drive), and of course web search. Probably because the nature of this kind of data remains always relevant.

      This is all very interesting for chat because they’ve been revisiting this product category so many times, trashing and re-doing chat clients in endless variations, as opposed to sticking to one or two (one for enterprise and one for regular people, for example). Not sure what that says about chat as a data source. Either it’s a particularly challenging category, or it keeps evolving so Google keep discovering new angles that are worth mining.

  • Nate
    01 year ago

    Google fucked around too long for me to consider using any of their new services and I’m working on dropping the old. Got bit in the ass with Allo, Hangouts, GPM, Inbox, and latestly Domains, which I thought was safe.

          • Nate
            11 year ago

            I just moved mine to namecheap & am using cloudflare dns instead of Google cloud dns. Had to setup my email forwarding and my ssl certificate renewal again but otherwise rather painless.

            Namecheap’s website loads pretty slow but their support is top notch. The chat button on the page will immediately connect you to somebody that actually knows the product which is nice.