Hmm, interesting project from a technical perspective for sure, but I am not exactly sure why anyone would use it for anything other than testing some Linux distribution.
I mean unlike Waydroid, which helps to run “that one Android app” you need on a mobile Linux device, there isn’t really “that one Linux app” you need to run on an Android phone.
Maybe attaching a phone to monitor to use it as a GNU/Linux computer? Modern smartphones are powerful.
Also I saw that many people use Termux to emulate some PC games, maybe with this tech it will be easier?
Hmm, yes maybe running GNU/Linux on a Lapdock could be an interesting usecase for this. Didn’t think of that, thanks!
It seems like an interesting project, especially with the problem of banking and payment apps not working on anything else than iOS or Android.
I hope one day we’ll be able to daily drive Linux phones, even if it’s through an app on a custom Android rom.
My banking app works like a charm on SailfishOS.