You shouldn’t be so apologetic about your sane, rational stance here. Anyone who looks at Brave and sees something other than a cryptobro piece of shit is a moron, including the guy you’re replying to. “You don’t have to buy it” and “It’s free” are the rallying cries of the people responsible for bringing us into this subscription-based, pay-to-breathe, privacy-violating nightmare we inhabit. They’re too fucking stupid to understand the consequences of their indifference.
If being alive for 40-some years has taught my anything, it’s that companies “Just giving you free anything” should raise red flags.
Even if it is benevolently intended, I’d be suspicious and very cautious about using their products.
They give it in return for showing ads
Point still stands.
Everyone has to figure out what they will/will not tolerate for themselves in the internet ecosystem.
I’m mostly just advocating caution.
You shouldn’t be so apologetic about your sane, rational stance here. Anyone who looks at Brave and sees something other than a cryptobro piece of shit is a moron, including the guy you’re replying to. “You don’t have to buy it” and “It’s free” are the rallying cries of the people responsible for bringing us into this subscription-based, pay-to-breathe, privacy-violating nightmare we inhabit. They’re too fucking stupid to understand the consequences of their indifference.
Well, I’m fairly certain calling people ‘morons’ and ‘fucking stupid’ isn’t changing anyones minds either.
Quite the contrary. Antagonizing tends to turn people against you.
The task of Sisyphus was a punishment, not a hobby.