It was saved as a bookmark on Chrome.

I’m a little stirred up and I don’t know why. It’s natural to watch that kind of stuff. But it somehow feels awkward now, being his child. I don’t know. Anybody got any, like, advice? On how to get over it? Dads? Children of dads?

Hey, at least it was labelled MILF and not young teenage girl.

  • @echo
    10416 days ago

    Anybody got any, like, advice?

    Quit nosing around on your dad’s computer?

    6316 days ago

    What is there to get over? I’m fifty. I have sex with my wife - I’m talking dirty, messy fucking sex, not thirty seconds of missionary. I masturbate. In lots of ways, I’m a fifteen year old with 35 years of experience. I think that’s most people. That’s just… life. Welcome to not being sheltered from it?

    3816 days ago

    Come to peace with the fact that your dad is an adult separate from his role as your dad. He might even drink or partake of the devils lettuce. He has dreams and aspirations separate from his responsibility to your family.

    1716 days ago

    I’m in my 30s now, so perhaps I am out of touch with my younger self, but I don’t remember being bothered by the idea of my parents sexuality.

    Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think it’s abnormal to be bothered by it. I’ve heard plenty of people joke about how gross it is that their parents had sex or whatever. I don’t really understand it exactly. I guess maybe it’s just an embarrassing subject!

    Also, not to pile on, but don’t look at your poor old dad’s web history! What a nightmare! Lol

    1515 days ago

    Just rearrange your life so you never have a quiet moment of reflection ever again.

    Get a shitty old car with no muffler. Break the windows and replace them with plastic. Turn on NPR at max volume and then never touch the dial again. Buy a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. Light one of the cigarettes and suck the smoke into your lungs. Repeat this until the cigarette’s burned away, the repeat that 20 times, then repeat that every day. Get in a feud with your neighbor and make sure it devolves into night time disco ball laser pointer milkdrop light show visualization battles one one another’s ceilings. If you don’t already live in an apartment with shitty blinds incapable of blocking line of sight to the outside, move to one immediately. Take your feuding neighbor with you.

  • kersploosh
    1216 days ago

    I don’t have any good advice, but I can relate. As a kid you only get one (very limited) view of your parents. Over time these awkward but eye-opening moments happen where you have to realize they are normal people, too.

    If you really want some fun, hang out with your parents’ old friends and ask them for stories. You might learn more about your folks than you expect (or want).

  • nocturne
    916 days ago

    I was going through router logs (was not looking for anything, just exploring all the things in the router’s web interface) and I found all of my son’s porn search queries from his 3ds.

    816 days ago

    Heh. Used my brothers browser. Started typing in the search bar. Got a list of urls I’d rather not mention. Just went downstairs and asked him to clear his history and switch off recommendations before powering down.

    716 days ago

    How would you have reacted to if the roles were reverse here (he snooped and found your porn if you had it)?

    Not trying to sound prosecutorial, its simply helpful to start with your own feelings about your privacy and autonomy as an exercise here