Starfield is a massive game with lots of systems and a massive amount of area to cover. I thought it would be nice to share useful information as a community. So what is your secret best spot to find medpacks? What skill was more useful than you thought? What thing did you not learn about until you were 15 hours in, that you wished you learned a lot sooner?

    1 year ago

    You can cover a much larger area for detecting outpost mineable mineral deposits then using the scanner by trying to deploy the outpost beacon. In the top corner it will show what resources are in its radius.

    It you look up it will move the beacon away from you a long distance before it stops. Then you can turn on the spot to cover a huge area or just sprint/moon jump around to cover ground.

    If you are in the radius of an outpost you can press the button on scanner view to deploy another outpost beacon to re-open the build menu for the outpost you are in.

    Many outpost structures can be built on top on the hab buildings which can keep things out of the way and harder to hit by attackers.