Job: cashier

Item doesn’t scan

Customer: “That means it’s free, right?”


Only about 4 weeks in as a cashier and I’ve heard this enough to last me a lifetime.

  • tiredofsametab
    262 months ago

    “Do this as a temporary measure. We will code it properly later” —> code that is hackish and will never be replaced.

    “We need you to do this one time because of someBullshit” —> congratulations, your team had to do this thing outside of your specialty, even though there exists a team dedicated to it, and now we’re just going to make you do it over and over again (despite, again, a whole team dedicated to that existing).

    • tuckerm
      212 months ago

      Do this as a temporary measure. We will code it properly later

      I’m always blown away whenever someone says that they like some language or framework because it’s “great for prototyping.”

      Like, what magical fairyland software company do you work at where your prototypes are not immediately put into production as soon as they kind of start to work?

    • cheesymoonshadowOP
      42 months ago

      You should tell them this is not 'Nam. There are rules.

      • tiredofsametab
        32 months ago

        These are older lessons and I’m generally pretty effective at pushing back on those now. I’m not a manager, though, so I can be overruled.