This stupid topic again

But sure

      142 months ago

      There’s never really been such a thing. Anyone who would be an old school republican today has just become an obstructionist right-wing democratic, so arguably worse than a Republican because they sabotage from the inside.

      132 months ago

      Besides McCain, which notable sane republican existed in the Obama era?

      Pre-Obama we were dealing with the Bush-era neocons.

      They haven’t been sane for at least the last twenty years.

      22 months ago

      I would not say they were “sane” per se, it’s just that they’ve been replaced by even more overt bare-faced extremists. The Overton window on what is extremely right wing keeps getting pushed more and more to the right. A loud mouth performative asshole they believe is beyond punishment due to his “billions” has given them a permission structure to be who they always really wanted to be. These are the people that didn’t understand that Archie Bunker was supposed to be a parody, not a hero.