Even the teamsters are showing up.

    • @barsquid@lemmy.world
      54 months ago

      Completely brainwashed and now running away that we finally hit a dead end where you need to confront reality to continue writing.

      I’m not speaking for black people, black people are speaking for black people. Feel free to check for what a wider group of black people believe any time you’d like.

      It’s pretty racist to claim one black person (who you want to agree with) is 1. absolutely correct solely on the basis of being black and 2. it is fine for them to speak for all black people.

      So I can just find you whatever article I want on a race issue and you’ll accept it as absolute truth if it is written by a black person? Obviously if I do this for you, you’ll find some excuse why that’s no longer true. No Repub has integrity.

      LMAO but here we go: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2019/06/trump-racism-comments/588067/ . Adrienne Green has been a member of the National Association for Black Journalists since 2012, check her LinkedIn. Donald is an openly racist bigot confirmed.

      I’m always uncomfortable speaking with openly racist Repubs, but I hope it helps passersby.