• AutoTL;DRB
    611 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    In a small coastal settlement, shrouded by the dense forest ranges of Te Urewera on New Zealand’s North Island, three hydropower stations are hungrily fed from a lake that is filled to the brink.

    The scenario has been repeated across New Zealand’s north island, where record levels at hydropower stations have contributed to a decline in national greenhouse gas emissions.

    While some are heralding the decline in emissions, which began during the pandemic and has since continued, climate scientists have cautioned against placing too much optimism in the decrease driven by hydropower, given the sector’s dependence on high volumes of rain that may reverse with dry conditions borne by the El Niño pattern forecast for summer 2023.

    Climate change expert Prof James Renwick of Victoria University says that one of the difficulties they face is there is no comprehensive monitoring of emissions across the country from each sector.

    The minister for climate change, James Shaw, says the deal, which follows a significant emissions reduction project with NZ Steel, will put New Zealand in a better position to reach net zero by 2050, but adds that the country can’t be complacent.

    With a general election looming in October, Niwa’s Dean says politicians need to present their vision on climate change measures clearly, and urges the public to ask questions of respective parties’ positions on the issue.

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