Just in case you thought maybe the Dems had finally seen the light after Rafah. Nope! How about even more bombs for Israel?

    • @trevron@beehaw.org
      49 days ago

      Yes, both the US and Russia use proxies in the middle east to fight each other and have for years. But that has little to do with Israel’s active genocide.

      • @Tiltinyall@beehaw.org
        9 days ago

        Who you were responding to mentioned Hamas and you immediately equated that with the Palestinian people. You really can’t defend Hamas and Russia in this when this is just a recurrence of the power plays that have historically shaped our current system. There are very few on the “right” side of this.

        • @trevron@beehaw.org
          9 days ago

          Conveniently, Israel treats all Palestinians as if they were Hamas militants (who themselves are a resistance group resisting modern settler colonialism). Hamas is a convenient reason for them to ethnically cleanse a whole people. How is that difficult to see as the wrong side?

          You can’t just handwave Israel committing atrocity after atrocity after (but especially prior to) October 7th. It isn’t that difficult to see which side is the wrong side for anyone with a couple brain cells and a functioning moral compass. Colonialism was terrible in the past and it is terrible in the present. Genocide and apartheid are bad for anyone who are not racists. Pretty easy line there.

          edit: also the person I responded to poorly defends Israel in every thread and regularly uses bad faith argumentative tactics to spin out more propaganda. That is partially why I felt the need to respond.

          • @Tiltinyall@beehaw.org
            9 days ago

            Did you stalk my comment history too? You would see I’m 100% for the Palestinian people and against this genocide. My point being, if you’re gonna run to a side in this you just picked wrong.

            Edit: Imperialism is the enemy here not colonialism, which was stopped being used in the 1940’s

            • @t3rmit3@beehaw.org
              8 days ago

              Whoa, colonialism is absolutely alive and well. Colonialist projects, Israel included, still exist today, and of course many countries that began as settler-colonialism (which is distinct from plain ‘colonialism’) still exist everywhere, and still keep their native populations marginalized and under attack.

              Israel is quite practically the most textbook definition of a Settler-Colonialist state that there is, especially given that they themselves still even use the term “settlements” to describe their continued displacement of Palestinians.

              • @Tiltinyall@beehaw.org
                08 days ago

                And yet modern colonialism isn’t the key topic that needs to be mediated between these two parties. This fued goes 5000 years back to when these two cultural groups shared this exact same land. That’s the myopic part of these arguments. Calling them colonists isn’t going to settle an ancient blood feud. Bonus points if you recognize that both groups are Semetic and both have committed anti-Semitic crimes.

            • @trevron@beehaw.org
              18 days ago

              I didn’t stalk anyones comment history, I have just interacted with that person a bit. Come on lemmy is not that active, especially on beehaw. It is basically the same names commenting on this shit lol

              But Israel is a settler colonial project which is a type of colonialism and is still valid. And I don’t understand your point, it doesn’t make sense.