for some background, I’m on latest stable Kubuntu. able to use Microsoft Office via a KVM+Winapps setup currently. it mostly works but there are a few kinks like the display frame getting fucked up when going full screen or windowed, drag and drop being hit or miss and whatnot…

i did read up on Office 2019 being installable using Wine, but wasn’t able to find any methods to activate it. MAS isn’t really a thing on wine since we don’t have Powershell I believe. any ideas?

    111 year ago

    it can fuck up microsoft office formatted documents.

    The problem there is not with LibreOffice, but with Microsoft Office. They do not implement the format standard correctly.

    Not that it eliminated your problem, but it’s important to understand who the real culprit is and why.

      81 year ago

      They do not implement the format standard correctly.

      I think it’s also important to mention, that they wrote the standard themselves (after being forced to)