An invasive species of mosquito has been found in 13 countries in the EU, including France, Spain and Greece, with experts linking their discovery to a rise in dengue fever in Europe.

Climate change is creating favourable conditions for the tiger mosquito to spread, said the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).

As far north as Paris, where the Olympic Games will take place at the end of July, authorities have been monitoring and trapping the insect.

The ECDC has warned international travel will further increase the risk of more European outbreaks.

The Asian tiger mosquito, aedes albopictus, which is thought to be the most invasive species of mosquito in the world, is now spreading across Europe from its southern European ‘base camp’.

    1321 days ago

    I fucking hate these bastards so much. I wish we as a species would genocide all mosquitos out of existence, I’d happily live with whatever biological fallout may happen as a result as long as I never have to be near one of these ever again in my lifetime.

    • Hugucinogens
      720 days ago

      Hey hey now! No need to be that way!

      Studies until now show that mosquitoes seem to never be keystone species anywhere, so eradicating them probably won’t cause any fallout whatsoever!

      Be more optimistic with your annihilation fantasy. We all deserve it.