• AutoTL;DRB
    419 days ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Along the way, Governor Burgum has articulated a sophisticated policy approach that can at times seem environmentally conscious, but in fact is designed to benefit oil, gas and coal, the fossil fuels that are driving climate change.

    “What other state is doing carbon neutral by 2030?” said Heather Reams, the president of Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions, a group that tries to engage Republicans on climate policy.

    Governor Burgum didn’t use the term “climate change” or talk about how burning fossil fuels was dangerously heating planet.

    A two-term governor who is not eligible to seek re-election in November, Mr. Burgum ran a short-lived campaign for the Republican presidential nomination last year.

    Mr. Skokos and others said they had witnessed Governor Burgum taking a sharp tack to the right on energy issues and echoing the oil industry’s attacks on the Biden administration after he entered his second term in office and prepared for a presidential run.

    Mr. Trump told the executives they would save far more than that in tax breaks and legal fees after he repealed Mr. Biden’s climate agenda, according to several people who were present and who requested anonymity to discuss a private event.

    The original article contains 1,485 words, the summary contains 196 words. Saved 87%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!