I am outraged about this. Went to my local Maxi to pick up eggs (they were half price than others) and I saw this on top of something else. I get them from costco anyways, but this kind of shrinkflation is really annoying. Other soft drinks are probably going to get the same treatment

  • CommunityLinkFixerBotB
    322 days ago

    Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn’t work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: !shrinkflation@lemmy.ca

    • @streetfestival@lemmy.ca
      222 days ago

      Thanks, bot <3. I was aware to use @ when starting to type to link to someone’s name. Now I know to use ! when linking to a community (it triggers the tab-fill dropdown)