They really wanna do everything except pay them properly. Teachers, doctors and nurses should be getting paid like bankers.

  • @sabreW4K3@lazysoci.alOP
    41 month ago

    How would you go about it? Shorter teaching days? Shorter teaching weeks? Half the load (so double the teachers)? Something I haven’t thought of?

    • *Tagger*
      51 month ago

      Double planning time - it’s currently half a day a week, but I’d bring it up to a full day a week, so, yes, you’d need to employ a few more cover teachers.

      • @sabreW4K3@lazysoci.alOP
        31 month ago

        So then we’re back to making the occupation an attractive one and quality of life is a massive part of that. Nobody will want to teach if it means they have to struggle to pay their bills.

        • *Tagger*
          41 month ago

          I would say it’s fairly well paid, most teachers (outside of London) don’t struggle to pay their bills. But we do massively struggle to have a reasonable work life balance that doesn’t suck all of the life out of people.