This bit resonated.

It makes me so terribly sad that in a society such as ours the wealthy keep creating new means to harm the less lucky.

That aside, Alan Kholer has also opined in the past that our economics policy is based on disdain.

I know many will read my financial experiences and see failure. I haven’t failed; I succeeded when the odds were totally stacked against me. I made good what life threw at me. I survived … with my values intact.

I can only agree.

    44 months ago

    Again, please refer to that same comment. I have already addressed the determinist view. If you think you have zero control over your life and everything was set in stone before you were even born, good for you. To me, that is a nihilistic, fatalistic and defeatist approach to life that will only further entrench any inherent disadvantage one suffers.

      14 months ago

      ahhhhhhhhhh you’re so obtuse.

      The ability and desire for people to make certain choices, whether or not you think those choices are deterministic, is fucking determined before you even properly exist.

      you cannot play a 4 if don’t have one in hand no matter how much you might wish to. Accepting that is not coming down for or against determinism. Are you thick?

        24 months ago

        You’ve just made a determinist argument and then immediately claimed that this does not indicate you believe in determinism. I’m not sure I can help you here; some education and introspection is sorely needed on your part.

          4 months ago

          🙄 There are positions between radical freedom and behaviourism.

          If I break your legs you can’t choose to walk, whether or not you have a self causing free will.

          I feel massive contempt for people who think themselves so clever that if they don’t see nuance in an argument it means the other party is wrong.

            14 months ago

            If I break your legs you can’t choose to walk, whether or not you have a self causing free will.

            The discussion is about wealth, not walking. If you break my legs that may inhibit my ability to work in certain fields, but it does not completely prevent me from obtaining money.